Tuesday, March 10, 2015

FEELING The Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo!

Please, DO Not Be Afraid to Be Excited! This is Your Life. A New Day is here. Knocking. Inviting You to Play. Making this Day the Best Day EVER! And Letting the Best Grow Day by Day from the Surprise of Life revealing You. Saying THANK YOU! More Joy Please! All Day Long. Cultivating the Heart. Being Grateful even as You are Feeling the Growing Pains in Transition. Letting go and Reaching for More. Easier said than Done. Staying the Course. Walking into the Unknown. Seeing All moments are a Gift. And acknowledging Not all moments are equally as Fun. Living Spirited from this Sense of Freedom within brings the Fun of Play. Finding humor. Laughing at the Absurdity of Life. Being entertained. Lighting the Dark. Knowing that This is the Life You came here to Live even in the midst of Challenges that aren't so Fun. There is a Rest within the chaos as You Receive the Moments come what May knowing This is Your Life. And it is okay to Be Scared. Making Peace with Fear as a Part of Life. Meeting Life in Life's terms. Believing in the Perfection of what Comes your way. The unfolding. The Timing orchestrated by the inner Rhythm. Being fully Present to You and Your Life in the Direct Experiences. Trusting Your Self. Leaning into what Scares You. Breathing into the Fear that comes to Play. Recognizing It. Seeing It can't Stop You. Pulling your Life Force out of the Fear by Doing what Scares You Most. Tapping into that Brave Heart that Remembers what You are Made Of. Kicking Ass for You with the Fight of the heavens. Knowing what You don't Face, what You don't look in the Eye will come back around to Visit You again and again until You Do. Mustering the Courage to Say what You Must, to Do what You Must, to BE YOU! And Go where only You can to the Well within You. Taking the Powerless Child by the Hand; the part of You that wants to Avoid, that wants to cut and run. Drawing on the Strength of the Universe. Always there. Always here. You are Braver than You know. This Moment. And the Next Moment and the Next has come to Show You the Force You are. Play with It all! Changing the Game by daring to Play even in the Moments that Terrify You. Feeling the Sense of Possibilities within. You at Play. Infinity at Play as You. Partnering with The Universe and going into the Wild which is Your Soul urging You Onward and Upward. Calling You to Rise. Revealing those Wings of Glory that will Fly You where You didn't Know you would Go. Life Beyond! Born from the Daring to Show Up and Live. What seems Little is Big. It isn't about Arriving at a Place where Life is Free of Challenges. It is Knowing the Power within You is No Match for whatever comes. Connected to the Truest Self. The spontaneity Springing from a Sense of Play. All moments are Alive with YOU. Forgetting and Remembering who You truly are and Finding your way Home. Again and Again. BELIEVE! Let All that Heart and Soul fuel You. Let your Excitement for being You ALIVE this Day make you HappyAss Dance from the Inside Out. Freeing the Possibilities. Affirming: It is Damn Good to Be YOU! Feeling the Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo!

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