Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Life: One World Letting Go. One Emerging.

You are You. And all that You are Remains to Be Seen. The poetry of you ever-singing the Song of You day by day. Enlivened by All moments if You dare to Dance with them. The crap you would Never wish for and The Amazing that graces You. What Life does to Beautify Us revealing the More, opening Us Pedal by Pedal ain't always Pretty and ain't always easy. But it is Necessary. And there is No way Around it as what we Need comes again and again Until we Face it. Trusting all Experiences are Purposeful beyond our human scope. This human journey is filled with moments of Awe feeling the Net of Life holding us with Great Love expecting Great Things. And moments of Terror as we Free Fall into the Unknown and cannot Feel or See the Net. Life is a constant letting go and reaching for More pushing Us out of comfort zones bringing Up old Fears, the Powerless child You thought was long gone shows Up kicking and screaming. You must take that Part of You gently by the hand and Jump! into Present Time. Breathing. Acknowledging the Feelings. Being with them All. Being with Your Self. We become Flyers on the Trapeze mustering the Courage to do new tricks and building the Strength to carry us through. Believing in Our Self at New Depths. Remembering the Heart of You is Badass Brave even when You feel Otherwise. And Letting Your Brave Heart Kickass for You fighting for You and the Dreams You came to Live. It is a Cool moment in Life when You don't know who You are anymore. Hangin' by a Prayer on Repeat. Living the In Between. One World letting go. One emerging. And the gods breathe into every inch of You. Stretching. Opening. Revealing. The More. And there You are. Shining like a Star on the Darkest night. Hung for All to See. The Tune of You echoing pure Poetry. Stirring you At a Depth that weeps the True Nature of Life. The hush of the Secret World a Nest. Holding even More. Breaking You Open. Hatching the Unknown. The residue of Pain stays with the Breath that Now sings so Sweetly through You. Ahhhh, Receive the Miracle of You appreciating All the Pain that has Cut Life into You. Freeing the Joy in Living this Adventure. Carry an Abiding THANK YOU! In your Heart for All that has been and All that Is and All that Is to Come. Surely, the Best of You will Come and Come. Yes!!! Count on It. Woo woo woofrickinhoo:))!

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