Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Let your Life Speak: All that Heart and All that Soul!

Let your Life Speak of All that Heart and All that Soul! Remembering You are the Greatest Song ever-Singing. The Power of You ever-evolving, ever-growing, ever-expressing is immeasurable. You plugged into your sense of Self. Inviting your Joy to guide You and your choices. Following your Bliss. Noticing what makes You come Alive where you Feel All systems GO: mind, body, heart and soul. Woo!!! The true excitement for Life is uncontainable. The Buzz of being You. High on LIFE! What are you doing? Who are You with? Experience the Vitality springing as You step into this Day feeling a deep sense of Freedom. Letting Go of all the problems, all the external circumstances gripping You, overwhelming You and Draining You of your Power. Calling on the Amazing Grace of the Universe Alive within You, Alive in the Moment to lift You where You can See the Opportunity knocking, where You can See the Cage door is actually Open if you Dare to Fly out into New Life. Using Your Breath to Bring Life into You opening You to the Possibilities even in the midst of feeling lost. Letting your Breath make space for the Miracle. Grounding You. Inviting the Wisdom to show You the Way. Letting Go, exhaling OUT, clearing All the Fears, anxieties, worries, and doubts. Connecting to Your Spirit which is the Truest Self, this Force of Love fierce enough to take You by the Hand and Jump into the Unknown Knowing it is going to be Great! Using your Energy, focusing your precious Life Force into what You Truly Want and doing what You Must to Create a Life You Love. This is Your Life! Ain't no Dress Rehearsal. Being stoked about Your Life feeling All that Heart and All that Soul SPEAKING to You. Whispering and nudging and urging YOU to make different choices, to act on your own behalf, to fight for You and the Life You came here to Experience. Being willing. Being open. Being your own hero. Being honest with Your Self getting Clear about what You truly want. Daring to want again! Daring to Believe the Dream is waiting for You to Show Up! Daring to untangle your energy from what you have always done and stepping fully into this New Now. Stretching your Wings. Knowing You have limitless gears within You ready to launch the More awaiting.The point of Creation is Here pulsing through this Moment and You. Feel the Fire. Let Go. Let your Truest Song SPEAK all day Long. Feel All that Heart and All that Soul expressing the Magic of You at Play with Life. Woo woo woofrickinhoo:))!

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