Sunday, October 12, 2014

Feed Your Heart!

Feed your Heart all day gathering the Blessings! Looking for the Good. Expecting Miracles. Tasting the Sweetness. Feeling a sense of Excitement for Your Life. Experiencing Your Self from the depths of You. Seeing You and Your life from a Higher Perspective beyond the circumstances that can overwhelm and swallow your Joy. Gratitude is the Magic! The moment you drop into your brave heart fierce enough to count blessings even in the midst of storms that wash up on your shore; you are uplifted! What you Appreciate "Appreciates!" Your appreciation stokes your inner fire, your Passion, the resonance of Love that is the universe within you, this infinite well. And opens you to the Beauty you are and life is. Always! If you dare to invite it. If you are determined to Love life ever-opening and growing. When the storms engulf you and take you under, acknowledge the fear, anxiety, worry, doubt. AND breathe! Connect to your Heart. Find your way to the Courage ever-roaring, this Cosmic Force that will reveal the Power that lies within You. This energy will fuel You to stand in the moment and realize you have the Power of Choice to create the Life you long for, a Life that leaves you clutching your heart saying THANK YOU! This IS the life I came here to Live. Even on the shittiest days. Even when the event of Life knock you to your knees. You KNOW the gift Life is, the abundance YOU are. Always! The mind will Not let You see this caging You with fixed ideas of how things should be. Travel straight into your Badass Heart and kick this days ass with LOVE. Loving what you curse! Starting with F*ck IT, F*ck THIS and feeling the sting, the bite. Making your way to BLESS IT, BLESS THIS. Bless your Self where you are. Love your Self in the moments you want to Judge. Your Heart heals you. Your Judgment shames you. Choose LOVE! Watch the Magic spring through YOU. Believe! Have Faith in your Self. Trust the Perfection of each moment. Stand Tall with your Heart ablaze walking through this Day consciously choosing to sip in the Joy, the Love, the Grace ALIVE in every moment pulsing through You and All of Creation. Wow! Moments. Yours for the claiming. Oh Yeahhh! Woo woo woofrickinhoo:). It is damn GOOD to be YOU. Yes. It. Is.

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