Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Your Soul's Song.

Sip this IN. Open to the Truth. No more slumbering. Asleep at the wheel of your Life. You are living poetry dancing with the winds. A spark of Life embodied. A divine expression. So magnificent. No less than the moon. The stars. The skies. The mountains. Here and now Alive on earth. A creator in the flesh. You are a part of the whole. One. The soul force of the Universe. Animated by this Love. All there Is. Is You. Me. Collectively at Play. Ever-blossoming. Ever-exploring. New depths. Worlds within. Calling you home again and again. No matter how it appears to our human eyes. Dwelling on the surface. Each of us is a Unique masterpiece. Free the Passion. Let this Love flow Wildly through You. You being you. Doing what you do. Because you must. You cannot not. Awaken. Remember: You are a creature of Soul. Your soul can never be lost. It is always here. In the moment. Waiting for you. To Remember: You are Free. You are worthy of a Life you absolutely Love. Touch the essence of You. Receive this magic elixir. It is here. Now. You are whole. Perfect. Complete. A Force. Stand in this. Truth. And feel the depths of you Roar. Echoing joyfully: Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo!!! It is damn good to be You. I love you. I do. I hold You in my heart this day. Every day. Wanting you to Live from this Knowing: You Matter. You f#%cking Matter. You just do.

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