Saturday, February 14, 2015

Daring to LOVE Starts with YOU!

Love is Always the Answer! Daring to LOVE starts with You. Opening your Heart to You Opens your Heart to the World. Within Your Heart lies the Cosmic Heart. This Magic. This immeasurable Force! Fierce enough to Move the Mountains and Part the Seas. Echoing from the depths of You: ANYTHING is Possible! Ask for guidance in All matters. Ask Away! Consciously partnering with the Wisdom of the Universe Alive within You. Believe the Divine Intelligence is with You and Trust you are assisted every step from where you are to where You want to Go. Knowing The FORCE is with You. Feeling connected to Your Own Nature. Receive the Miracle You are. And Receive the Miracles that Come without ceasing. Saying THANK YOU more Please. Amazing Grace at Play through You and with You for your Highest Good and Greatest Joy. Feeling the Truth and Beauty of You. Life ever-flowing Rising You again and again to heights you could Not imagine fueled by Love. Touching limitlessness within You as You stand on your Own two feet. The Human Journey breaks your Heart ushering you into the Heart of the World. So Vast. This Ocean of Love within that springs eternal. Fortifying You. Calling You deeper and deeper for your Joy in Being You and creating the Life you came here to Live. Freeing All that Fire. Sharing your Passion. Feeling Alive connected to a Sense of Self beyond conditions. Rooted in All that Heart and Soul. Speaking to the world being You. Expressing authentically. The One True Thing: LOVE. In any moment, LOVE will liberate You. Honoring what You want and Need. Choosing to Give Your Self what you want and need. Reframing old Beliefs around Love rooted in sacrifice that lead to bitterness and resentment. Daring to LOVE your Self enough to Listen with Your Heart. The Love you are waiting for is the Love you are withholding from YOU. Love Big! Compassionate Care for You heals the Heart of All. You cannot Give what you cannot Receive. This Mystical dance. This infinite Loop. This Divine elixir. This LOVE is Always the Answer. Here. Now. Moment by moment. Choice by choice. Day by Day. Come what May. Happy Valentine's Day! Forrest Gump said it Best: "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get." But LOVE makes the sweet Sweeter and the bitter palatable. Taste it All! Live it All. Savor being You. Love! Love! Love! You. You. YOU. Woo woo woofrickinhoo :))

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