Thursday, July 3, 2014

RECEIVE this Love YOU Are and GIVE it Away!

RECEIVE this LOVE you are! Pave this Day with your Gold and walk with an abiding JOY echoing from your heart. Nothing you can manufacture is as Great as being who YOU are...this LOVE! Aligned with your sense of Self, the truest generosity bursts from your heart. You being YOU. Simple yet profound. Your heart singin the song of YOU invites the world to make the JOYful noise they came here to share:). Let your heart LIGHT the way home to your truest Self. FEEL your heart and receive your LOVE. I Now understand at another depth the wisdom of the ages: "it is in giving that we receive..." Me being me, giving the world Kathy, I RECEIVE the Love I am (the essence of all Creation) the purest LOVE which is the heavens blowing through me and all. Withholding my Self, this Love I am is hell on earth. I share my Love through writing, speaking, coaching, being because I must...I must FREE the Passion which is this Love I came here to express. Ohhhh JOY!! You being YOU, doing YOU, liberating YOU, living your truest LIFE is badassss and fierce...COURAGE springing from a Heart based life ever-blossoming; opening worlds within YOU ready to sing until your final bow! Be YOU and know with all your heart: YOU are enough! YOU Matter! Woo woo woofrickinhoo:))

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