Saturday, July 5, 2014

Ohhh...The BEAUTY You Are!

The JOY of being...being ALIVE present to where we are...IN the moment! Even the moments that terrify us shooting fear and anxiety through our bodies, rocking us, there is Beauty in the allowing! Allowing the frustration to wash through and FEEL our nervous system go into FLIGHT, staying with it breathing through the experience when we want to cut and run is fierce living. The JOY of discovering a deeper sense of Self, our essence, seeing the BEAUTY we are and life is; sipping this Truth into our bones, we know EVERYTHING invites us to Beauty in what we want to judge as negative, bad or ugly. The depths of Beauty and JOY, we will come to know exploring this human journey, living this our personal odyssey...Ohhh, we cannot fathom! There is no limit to the Soul. There is no way to know what is beyond; ALL the Joy that awaits us mining for the GOLD each day, anticipating the GREATness we ARE and LIFE is ever-blossoming, OPENing US wider and wider. LOVE beautifies and brings the JOY flowing FREE with Life; the moments we bless and the moments we curse. Invite the BEAUTY! Welcome the JOY pulsing through YOU for no reason and a million reasons. Hold your Self SACRED. Hold EVERYTHING Sacred. EVERYTHING is YOU! Can I get a HELL Yeahhhhh:)?! Happyass Dancin FEELin the BEAUTY, touching your Spirit!! Woo woo woofrickinhoo!!!

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