Sunday, July 13, 2014

It is DAMN GOOD to Be YOU!

Knowing YOU MATTER! Knowing that Your love of living spills into the heart of this world. Knowing Your JOY affects the whole, consciously cultivate Abundance entering This Day with a grateful HEART. Be BRAVE! Live with your heart OPEN guiding you and your choices into your truest Life where you feel ALIVE in this Dance. Connect to your heart and FEEL Your Courage springing from the depths of you as you step into the moments sure-footed in the knowing YOU can live your way into Liberation from the Fear, worry & doubt. Showing UP with your Heart wide OPEN to the possibilities hatching. Trust Your Self!! This higher Wisdom, the voice if your Heart that only wants GOOD for You, that holds YOU and your desires SACRED, that only wants to usher more of YOU into the world, materializing your Spirit, manifesting your Dreams. Touch this Part of YOU So you can touch Hearts with your Heart flowing FREEly, revealing the Magic life is, living with a sense of Purpose having Faith that your LOVE of being YOU, offering your Self and your Gifts is living the Richest Life. GREATness Known embodying the Truth, plugged into this limitless well of LOVE, the truest Power within. Your relationship with your Self pours from your Heart into ALL. It all starts with YOU! Your inner world is mirrored in the outer world. LOVE your Self as a Sacred Vessel expressing the Heavens here on earth. LOVE your humanness, accepting your fallibility, laughing instead of criticizing, judging and beating your Self UP. Life is NOW!!! Right NOW: choose LOVE and create a Day of Miracles where you know IT IS ALL GOOD! Even when it doesn't feel that way:)). Look for the Blessings, for the GOOD and life is GOOD even when it sucks. I love you! I hear you singing your truest song of LOVE and you inspire me to Dance wildly into my heart into the day...happyass dancin because it FEELS great:)! Woo woo woofrickinhoo! It is damn GOOD to be YOU:))!

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