Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Magic of THIS Day


The magic of this day

Springs from this moment

Here and now

Breath by breath

Mind, Heart, Body, Soul

The whole of me ignited in the Passion
















For no reason


A million reasons

I sip it in

I taste the sweetness

Which make the bitter palatable

Allowing the magic of THIS day

To dance me

Take me

Where I alone wouldn’t dare to go

Wouldn’t know to go

As there is no map

To the limitlessness

We embody

I leap

Into the Great Unknown

The Mystical

Because I must

Because it feels so damn good

Because… Because…  Because…

Freedom is mine


Happy Day!


Here I am on Thursday morning, August 22, 2013 living in Nashville, Tennessee home within my Self and in my surroundings.  This is definitely nothing I had planned but here I am.  Life continues to unfold, the magic of each day, leaving me in awe.  Surprise!  Surprise!  Surprise! continues to be my life mantra and even as I type this, saying it silently to myself, I giggle from the depths of me delighting in this unexpected life.  I could never have imagined where life would take me which affirms my knowing that nothing is more powerful than showing up each day and being present to the direct experiences of our life, letting them inform us and open us through the grace of truths revealed.

I still have my wedding photo of John and I framed where I can see it every day with the message from a fortune cookie taped onto it:  A lifetime of happiness lies ahead of you.  That message came to me on Christmas Eve 2010, just 5 weeks after John’s death.  Still shell-shocked, traumatized, barely breathing, unable to eat the meal I had ordered from PF Chang’s due to grief sickness, I had no idea that my life would be this happy.  I didn’t know that I could live in abiding happiness that isn’t contingent upon things going my way or people or plans unfolding as I think they should.  It wasn’t a quantum leap.  The magic of each day, of this day graciously takes me where I alone wouldn’t begin to know how to navigate.

I leap into the unknown because I simply must!  Life on the surface would starve me and I want to be fed and nourished by this magnificent adventure whether I am grocery shopping, out for a run, petting my kitties, coaching, writing, speaking, playing with friends, enjoying family and all the beauty that fills my days.  It feels damn good and I like feeling damn good – excited, energized, surprised, hatched…it is palpable and visceral blowing through every fiber of my being and beyond.  So lovely, poetic, juicy, delicious, new – I sip it in with sheer gratitude and joy.

A friend texted me yesterday to say that she feels my happiness when she reads my blog each day.  When people ask her what I am up to, she says:  Loving Life!  It is affirming to me that my happiness, living in the magic of this day, loving my life springs through into my writing and my presence.

The invitation this day and all your days is to breathe in the magic that is ever-present.  Do what you must to take care of what you need to tend to but pause to remember this is your life, your magnificent adventure.  Let this knowing infuse all that you do.  Let it lighten your heart and open you to the possibilities swirling within you.  Tap into the magic that is YOU as you do what you do and live your life.  Free your spirit to sing and dance and play…It feels damn good!        

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