Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Let JOY Companion YOU!

Let JOY companion you this day! Enjoy the RIDE life is OPEN. Letting go of yesterday and stepping into the moments with FRESH eyes and exploring and discovering the NEW. Invite the new worlds within YOU to SING and Dance. Let your playful Soul FREE You!! Tune in to what makes you FEEL Alive and welcome more of that. Living OPEN allows new paths, new choices to be revealed. Giggle with delight as you SEE what no longer serves you, what has played out and requires you to let it go so you can reach for more and LIVE what's next?! LIVE all the good, the blessings that are to come, the LOVE that awaits igniting more Passion to pour through you OUT into this world in need of YOU. Question EVERYTHING and Judge Nothing! Live the answers. Let life be a living inquiry where you wander in WONDER. What if? What if that which you judge as the most f#%ked up part of YOU is actually the best part of YOU? And you are tryin to cut it out! You feel ashamed of who you are failing to see EVERY part of you SERVES. Let go of the critic! let go of the judge and jury! Let your heart show you the Beauty that lies in every aspect of YOU. Enjoy who you are!! Enjoy how you are uniquely wired and how you view life! Enjoy being YOU and experience the liberation of your Spirit at a new depth. Let ALL of you come out and PLAY! Live FREE in the Beauty of this Dance. Do the walk of NO SHAME:)). And FEEL the Joy in simply allowing yourself to BE who you are instead of trying to control what longs to express. When I started to do the HAPPYdance with hands flying in the air as I jump around wildly, I spontaneously danced in Trader Joe's picking out my first Thanksgiving turkey. I didn't even think about it. I just allowed! My happyass was contagious and people joined in the fun. ENJOY your Self!! And watch the effect of your JOY on the world. Wishing you a day of HAPPYgasms :)). Just saying that word makes me LOL!! Love love love love Bigger than you want to AND watch the Magic lift YOU to new levels of JOY for no reason and a million reasons. Woo woo woofrickinhoo xoxo!!

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