Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day! Spread the LOVE...

What if LOVE looks like YOU? 
(Express Your Self.  Be Kind.  LOVE Big.)

It is difficult for me to imagine why so many people hate Valentine's Day.  Perhaps it is the pressure of trying to do it right or the ghosts of past Valentine's Days still haunting them.  It makes me laugh to hear people balk at a holiday that invites us to pause and acknowledge those we love with cards, texts, emails, candy, flowers and gifts. 

I received 3 Valentine's cards in the mail and was so touched by the generosity of my friends who sent them.  One was even the old fashioned kind that I used to get as a kid which led me to revisit the ritual of passing out cards at school to the entire class and receiving cards from my classmates.  I remember that there was a bit of nervousness over the fear that the boy I liked wouldn't like me or a boy I didn't like would like me.  But all FUN stuff!

My favorite part of Valentine's Days with my late-husband, John, was the cards he gave me over the years.  He could never choose just one so he bought 3 or 4 to express all he was feeling about me and us.  The cards were humorous, romantic, silly, sentimental and so sincere...truly an expression of him.  He would add personal love notes in each which led him to declare, "I am a romantic son-of-a-bitch, aren't I Gee?"  I agreed whole-heartedly, appreciating the man he was and l delighted in the fact that he patted himself on the back so I joined in, patting him some more for his romantic gestures.  I pulled those cards out this morning, soaking in the memories, remembering the joy, seeing his handwriting and feeling the LOVE leap off the card which had me crying tears of gratitude.  These cards are truly treasures!  They are physical evidence of the life we shared.

My big Valentine's plan this evening is taking myself to see the latest movie by Nicholas Sparks:  Safe Haven.  I know it is sappy but I actually love sappy.  It makes me feel good.  I bought myself a bag of special Valentine's Day peanut butter M&M's to take along with me.  They are pink, white and red.  So festive and yummy!   

Try not to get caught up in the hoopla of the holiday, stressing over the card and the gift and the big plans.  I promise you that it is all about the LOVE that is behind what you say, do and give so share your heart generously.  If the one you are with can't appreciate that, you may want to run the other way as fast as you can.  Life is far too short or perhaps too long, to spend it with those who don't appreciate us. 

I say:  LOVE BIG or go home!  Have fun spreading the love by expressing
your Self through kindness all day long... 

LOVE TO YOU ALL this day and all your days! xo

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