Saturday, February 16, 2013

Daring to be UNCOMFORTABLE...

Burpies...Mountain Climbers...Bear Crawls...Push Ups...Planks...OH MY!
(HURTS so Good.)

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to mix it up, get out of my comfort zone and join a group fitness program.  I have found humor to be the healing balm when I am jumping around on 2 left feet or when it gets extra sloppy as I reach exhaustion but WOW!  it is feels good on many levels.  I am proud of myself for risking, trying something new and not needing to be good at it or do it right.  Evidence that I have come a long long way baby! And I no longer have to know what I am dipping my toe into - I just jump in, trusting my Self,  knowing I will jump back out if it doesn't serve me.

Below is an excerpt from the chapter Ruby Slippers.  20 years ago at 217 pounds, I dared to be UNCOMFORTABLE and it has created a life beyond my wildest dreams.  I have found that physical strengthening has a chain reaction to the mind, heart and spirit...

Step aerobics classes at the women’s fitness center and long walks around the park where I had rolled down the hills and collected buckeyes as a child took the place of the friendly neighborhood taverns. The act of bravery it took to put on spandex workout clothes, revealing every bulge and roll, confirmed my commitment to this new way of living. The instructor who was worried about my profuse sweating and splotchy tomato face with purple tinges would ask me after class if I was okay. I assured her that it was merely my Irish heritage, not wanting to tarnish this bubbly and spirited girl with the details of my life. The discoloration of my face and the sweat invigorated me. It was tangible evidence of the work I was doing, and I secretly owned it like a badge of honor. Every drop of sweat that fell from my body expelling all that no longer served me represented my mission to take my power back.

I invite you to SURPRISE yourself in daring to be uncomfortable.  FEEL the vitality that can only come from new experiences!

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