Dreams hatching
Not knowing where
they will lead us
But daring to set
sail because we must
Into the great
unknown voyage
The seas
We face storms
We experience rest
in a depth of calm
Graces veil us
Protect us from fears
That threaten to
Hold us back
Stop the flow of
Stop the flow of
Expressing through
The fleeting
moments of our adventure here
We step into the
Completely surrendered
Willing to accept
the dance
Allowing the soul
to be nourished
Quenching a thirst
to fulfill our destiny
One with the love
One with the Great
One with the Source
One with the soul
force of the Universe
Feeling the
Within us
Within all life
Announcing: Here I am!
I am the abundance
JOY is mine.
I speak, I tell the story of my Nanny, Mary McGinley McHugh. She had dreams for her life that were not in
line with the dreams her parents had for her.
They had arranged a marriage for her to a farmer who was a widower with
5 kids. Listening to the call of her
soul that knew pleasing her parents would create a life of misery for her, she
set sail for America with a dream in her heart.
In order to stay and do what was expected of her by her family, she
would have had to stop the flow of life – not being who she was and denying her
dreams. Her voyage into the unknown
where she faced great storms and a depth of calm that comes from being alive,
in the flow of life continues to inspire my own soul’s journey.
the moment of clarity that came when I walked into my home in Brownsburg,
Indiana and knew the dream there had been lived, had been played out and if I
stayed, I would wither in the comforts of that life. It is time.
I was moving to Nashville, Tennessee because I simply had to and there
was no way to explain this as there was nothing reasonable about this choice. It was the call of my soul. My soul is not wired to play it safe. I am here to voyage into limitlessness,
dipping my toe into new waters and plunging into waters to see where they
lead. This is who I am.
new dreams is letting life flow through
me like the very breath I sip in without thought. This is a natural state for all of us even
though we have very different dreams and wants for our lives. When we see the dreams of others realized, we
can use their life as inspiration to know what is possible for us. If we feel jealous or can’t be happy for
others even judging their wants and desires, this comes from a place of lack
within us. We have stopped the flow of
our own life, not allowing the love, the abundance that is to spring through us, hatching dreams, engaging us in this dance
of life that enlivens and morphs and grows until our last breath. When we are flowing with life, we embody this
big love that cannot NOT be happy for others, wishing everyone pure goodness
each day.
invitation this day is to look at where you have closed yourself off to the
flow of life through old beliefs and patterns, through being tethered to the
past still stuck in guilt and shame as well as blame and bitterness. Find a way to open, to flow again, moving
with life here and now, where you can dream new dreams, create a life you love
and give thanks for the gift you are and this life is. Breaking free from the self-imposed cages we unconsciously
create, we soar to heights that shock the hell out of us and nourish our soul
that longs to be fed through expressing as us in this lifetime. Lucky us!
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