Wednesday, August 28, 2013



Meaningful coincidences

Beyond cause and effect

Events unfold without effort

The graces of the heavens at play

Orchestrating our lives

Dancing us here and there and everywhere

Leading us to where we need to be

Connecting us to those we are destined to meet

Leaving us in awe

Embracing this wondrous life


Scratching our heads wondering: WTF!?!

Trying to put on the brakes or figure out

The mystery of these happenings

But when we find our way to surrender

Where we can simply be with what has come forward

Meeting life on life’s terms

Giving thanks for what “is”

We open wider than we knew was possible

We step into limitlessness

Trusting life profoundly

Bowing to perfect timing


We are guided by forces of Soul

The same forces that break the day

Making the sunrise

That end the day

Making the sunset


Welcome this day with arms wide

Receiving the abundance that “is”.


Out of nowhere, I began to think of building a new houseboat which surprised the hell out of me because my practical nature knows the one I have is more than sufficient.  But the dream of this took off as I began to think of a new name:  Pure Goodness for the boat with Port of Nashville, Tennessee painted on the back with more earthy colors inside that reflect me and black and red striping on the outside because I have always loved that color combination.  It was delightful to allow these visions to come and I even wrote out details – things that I would want to add that my current boat doesn’t have.  It is so fun to dream and imagine!

Then, I ran into friends on the dock who had just found out through other friends that I had written a book.  They asked me where they could buy it and I told them I would sign one and bring it down to them.  This couple had just built a new houseboat, explaining that her cancer diagnosis sped up their “retirement boat” that they had been dreaming about for years.  The name of their boat was:  Synchronicity and when I read that word etched on the front glass, I felt energy rush through me creating an expansion within me, an opening of inner doors.  I walked in the boat and the colors and details she had chosen were exactly what I had had in mind.  All the trimmings on the outside were things I had listed.  And I knew that there was something bigger at play than me delivering a book and them giving me a tour.

I have no immediate plans to build a new houseboat, but I am open to the possibility.  The gift of the exchange, being led here and there was the reminder:  ANYTHING is truly possible when you dream and no dream is too big for the universe to unfold through us and our lives.  It was a moment of total clarity to examine any limitations I have imposed on my Self and my life; and what is the root of these limitations.  Why would I not want a new houseboat?  Why would I not want to write a New York Times Bestseller?  Why would I not want to speak all over the world?  The threads from these questions loosened and unbound parts of me that were locked into unconscious patterns that didn’t recognize the abundance that is, that exists within me and within all life.

The invitation this day is to look at the graces of the heavens at play in your life, taking you beyond where you knew you could go, leading you to the people you needed to meet or inspiring an idea that hatched into a new adventure.  Our lives are indeed orchestrated in ways that we recognize and ways we don’t.  Trust the timing.  Know that being present to the moments of your life is everything as there is information around thoughts and beliefs that need to be dismantled in order to free you.  Stay open to the possibilities and examine where you have closed yourself off.  Ask yourself Why? And Where does this come from?  Remember:  Life is rich in expressing our Self and this expression morphs and grows and blossoms until our last breath if we choose to let go in order to reach for more.

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