Friday, August 2, 2013

Just for this Day


Keep your Heart light this day

Remembering the abiding JOY

That lives within

Knowing the greatest act of service

Is LOVING your life

Living in the TRUTH of who you are

A soul

ONE with all of Creation.

Welcome the JOY of being with friends

Receiving with gratitude all the abundance

Found in the seemingly ordinary moments

That are rich and precious.

Sip in the sunshine

The clouds

The skies

The winds

The rains

The beauty that holds you

And is not separate from you.

Stand on the Earth

With both feet grounded

In the power of the Great Mother

Who nourishes

Infuses us with courage, wisdom & strength

And can contain all the troubles that lie in your heart

Transforming the heaviness

If we dare to surrender it to her.

Laugh out loud

And feel the echo of your heart

Vibrate with those sharing in the moment

A simple yet profound gift

That fills us with play

And stays with us long after.

Rest in the silence within you

The eternal well



Hatching from that which we bless

And that which we curse

The paradox of life

That we must hold

In order to be free.

Be kind to your Self

No matter what

Releasing the shame and guilt that imprisons

Acknowledging the essence of who you are

Pure goodness

Allowing your humanity

Not demanding perfection

Rather seeing the beauty

In the direct experiences

Open to the whole of your nature

Human and Divine.

Make peace with your body

Love and accept it

As it is the sacred vessel

That houses your Spirit

And carries you through your days

Not something to be diminished

But honored and revered.

Say all day long:

Today is the best day ever

And watch the best day unfold

Every single day

Come what may

True freedom

In unconditional living

Meeting life on life’s terms

While standing in the truth:


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