Friday, September 20, 2013

New Worlds within READY to Sing!


The only way to open

The expensive gifts

Born of life’s heartbreak

Is to make the pain sacred

To cup it with both hands

Holding it

Honoring it

Letting it touch us

Cut us

So it can FREE us

Trusting the Beauty will be revealed

In perfect time

As we show up

One day at a time

Not expecting the wounds to heal

Rather inviting them to show us more

Who am I?

Beyond this story

Beyond these circumstances

Beyond these experiences

Meeting our Self with eyes wide open


Yet Safe

Wrapped in BIG Love

With no judgment or conditions

Acknowledging the horrors

Feeling the grief

Telling the fu$%ing Truth

With no sugar coating

Allowing the bitter

Allowing the biting

Allowing the stabbing

Weeping for our Self

For all we have endured

For all we wanted to be

Taking our own hand

Soothing our Self

With a fierce commitment

To nurture

To nourish

To Mama our Self

Through the care of our Soul

That will usher us beyond our Story

That longs to take us on the ride of our lives

That whispers: 

“There are Worlds within you

Ready to sing!”

Bring ALL of your Self



The wounds of your Story

That which is bruised

That which is bloody

That which ain’t pretty


That which is untouched



Heaven within

Wholly human


Wholly divine

Ushering the Passion

That springs from it ALL

The Beauty we are

Only known

From daring to go to depths

Worlds within

Welcoming Truth

That is the ultimate gift

We give our Self

The Key


New worlds


READY to Sing!


In this dark still morning, the light of the full moon summoned me onto my perch, my 16th floor balcony where I stood on the edge with bare feet grounded, my hands stretched out receiving the invisible energies of the moon in her glorious expression when these words gently washed upon my shore:  There are new worlds within you ready to sing…I let this message in, sipping it breath by breath into my body, heart, mind and soul – all of me.  Oh, the delight of this truth, knowing it is time, knowing it is ON while living in the unknown.  What Songs?  Where will I sing?  How will I get there?  Resting in what my journey thus far has revealed to me: Life orchestrates perfectly.  Show up for the direct experiences of your life, one day, one moment at a time doing what you do, living my life, tuning in to the guidance, the inner nudges and staying open to the more, the surprises that make life an expanding adventure. 

All of my life has led me here.  It has.  Everything – every step, every cut, every fall, every twist and every turn brought me here into this moment of life which flows wildly in an untamable rhythm.  The greatest gift I gave my Self was making my pain sacred in the wake of my late-husband’s death which I had never done before, which I had never permitted judging it as weak, doing whatever I could to avoid feeling, staying in the comforts of my backbone that had held me together for years, a companion that served me well until it didn't for which I am grateful.  I had wanted to paint pretty pictures of someone with her shit together, an image for others to admire and aspire to become - someone I thought I should be.  But over the last 2 years and 10 months, I have traveled to depths of fear that have allowed me to meet my Self and tasted the fire of rage that pulsed through me with an intensity of heat that melted the barriers I had created to protect my heart.  I didn’t realize that keeping the truth at bay had buried me alive unaware of the beauty of my life and all life.  Now, the wounds of my life are here within me open and magnificent shining gloriously as I walk my path.  They have connected me to my Self, to the whole of humanity and to all of creation in a way nothing else could have.  The truth of my life, of my story has set me free.  And in this freedom, I am privileged to offer my Self, my gifts in awe of this odyssey where new worlds are ready to sing within me and within all, in this sacred dance that never-ceases.

Denying the pain of life, keeping it at bay, dams up precious energy, graces bestowed on us through wounds born of life’s heartbreaks.  Our culture wants tragedies wrapped in pretty packages with fancy bows trying to dress up the truth. Wallowing is initially necessary as we are swallowed by the trauma; but prolonged wallowing in the pain of life keeps us stuck in the story, the circumstances that truly cannot be reconciled at the level of mind that wants to know Why?! attempting to make sense of the senseless, grinding and spinning, binding us to the events.  Making the pain sacred is a fierce acknowledgment of all we have endured, putting it all out on the table in full view and being present to it with a compassionate heart that breathes love into the open wounds.  From this space of allowing and honoring, we get to use the pain instead of it using us in unconscious ways which kills our spirit from the repression of what was or from wasting energy trying to rewrite the story as we wanted it to be or wished it could have been.      

The invitation this day and this lifetime is daring to go to inner depths, worlds within, welcoming the truth, knowing our Self as we have never known our Self before which frees us and allows us to connect to others human to human, soul to soul.  Knowing our Self, honoring all of our experiences:  the pain and the joy is the ultimate gift, the key that unlocks New worlds within READY to Sing! 

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