Thursday, September 19, 2013


Hope creates a shift

As its energy blows through


Above life circumstances

Where we can see “beyond”

Where all things are possible

Standing in our power

Tuning in to the inner nudges

That won’t allow us to give up

No matter how steep the mountain

No matter how lost or scared we are

No matter how broken we feel

No matter how many times we fall

Picking us back up

Again and again and again

Dusting us off

Grounding in the moment

Getting clear about what we want to create

Connected to the Universe

Acknowledging we are worthy

Inviting the goodness

Expecting the GOOD to come

Painting images

Of all that can be

Launching new dreams

Holding the vision for our life

Not tethering our energy

To those who can’t hear the music

That lies within US

Not allowing the naysayers

To infect us with their opinions

No matter how much we love them

Staying excited

Dwelling in the possibilities

Churning new ideas

Fueling the Passion

That longs to express

To play

To love as never before

To come alive

To bring through the surprises of life

Shocking the hell out of us

Leaving us wanting MORE

Knowing there is always MORE to come

And just as swiftly as the events we curse sweep in

Events that LIFT US

To heights we didn’t know existed

Come in

And we see the Graces at work

In it ALL

Closing doors

So we can walk through new doors

Letting Go

Reaching for MORE

We begin to ask:

“How will I use this Grace?”


The title of my book Passing On Hope came to me while I was out on a 70 mile bike ride followed by a 12 mile run training for a half ironman.  It was a magical summer morning where I could feel my breath soaring through my whole body and beyond.  As I headed out at first light, attempting to beat the heat and humidity, I began my ritual of connecting to my Self and to the Creator and to all of Creation and giving thanks for my life, for all life and for the day.  In this space, I began to inquire:  Who am I? and what is my intention for writing my book?  What is the message?  What is this energy driving and inspiring the passion within me? 
Hours later, I was at mile 10 of my 12 miler, when I heard and felt this knowing wash over me:  Hope…Pass On Hope…you are Passing On Hope through your writing, sharing your stories and your Self.  This sent electricity surging through all of me as I had clarity:  Passing On Hope will be the title; and it will be my intention for my life and for my work as a writer, speaker and life coach.

 What I didn’t consciously recognize at the time and didn’t fully own until a couple of years ago is Passing On Hope is who I am.  It is an innate wiring that I was born with, a grace bestowed on me and my life.  Even as a “mean girl” in my childhood who was capable of cutting others to shreds with my sharp tongue, I was equally as capable of lifting others.  A few years ago, I ran into my junior high home economics teacher, and she asked what I do so I told her.  She immediately reminded me that I have been doing what I do the whole of my life as she shared stories of me offering consolation to classmates chuckling over the fact that I was imparting wisdom beyond my years. 

I am an optimist to my very core and this energy of hope that springs from me effortlessly is a grace bestowed on me.  In this knowing, I ask:  How will I use this grace?  The beauty that has come from the ugly, the pearls that have hatched from the darkest seas, the soul force that animates all of creation that blows miracles through us all known only in the wake of my death and resurrection.  And realizing that grace has been at work in every moment of my life – those moments I cursed and those moments I welcomed joyously – I see that each of the stories, each of the experiences I am privileged to share and the wisdom that has risen from it all is how I use my grace, how I am Passing On Hope because I simply must, because I cannot not use this.  It is who I am. 

My kindred soul sister, Helen Keller, who would say that she was born to teach the blind to see and the deaf to hear, referring to those of us who can physically see and hear; but dismiss the beauty within or simply don’t know how to go where she dared to go, into the depths of her, an inner world full of surprise and riches and hope.  She lifted us with her presence and her words as she was a force in this world:  No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.

The invitation this day is to consciously call on the energy of hope that lives within you.  Let it lift you.  Enjoy being lifted riding the inner shift that creates the outward shift in your life.  See with the eyes of hope who you truly are – the beauty that is you.  Touch your truest Self and listen with all of you.  Create a vision for your life from this elevated space that lifts your beyond life circumstances that obstruct your view of all that is possible, the more you long for.  Know that the graces of the heavens blow through all events, through all moments and through YOU.  Ask:  How will I use this grace?  inviting all that you are to come forward so you may share your Self more generously and joyously with each passing day, fueling the passion that springs from the depths of you that wants to create a life you absolutely love.  AWEsome.  ENJOY the lift off!

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