That’s over. What’s Next?
Living this
One day at a time
One moment at a
We experience
A constant flow
Doors closing
Doors OPENing
Nothing stays the
Try as we might
To hold on to what
is gone
What has played out
What has run its
Leading us here
To this moment
So full of promise
Giving us an
To reach for more
JUMP into this
Taking a leap of
In our Self
In the Universe
Fully connected
To walk through the
OPEN door
Into the unknown
Both frightening
And exhilarating
Stretching us
Taking us where we
have never been before
Into our Self
Into new worlds
within this world
Assuring us:
It is time
We are ready
Holding the hand of
We find our way to
A vibration
That fills us with
OPEN to the moments
As they are
Embracing each step
As doors OPEN and
doors CLOSE
Acknowledging our trepidation
Grieving what has
come to pass
Focusing on what we
want NOW
Tuning in to our
heart’s desires
Setting sail for
ALL that lies beyond
What we have never
known before
Anticipating the
The wonder
The new
That makes this
The LIVING of this
The grandest
As we see the
necessity of the door closing
So we may OPEN to
As life is not
And our trying to
make it so
Pushes against our
very nature
Represses in our
Implodes energy
Blocks the flow
Locks US
Life is a perpetual
Our last breath
Being our last
brush stroke on the canvass.
morning, I woke up full of life, excited for no particular reason other than I
am here in this world, Alive. There is a
grand feeling of anticipation that all the doors closing and the doors OPENing
throughout my life, throughout this day are bringing in new life far grander
than I could ever imagine. There is a
joyful dance within me that leaves me grinning even as I write this blog and
that feels so lovely and playful and surprising in the most pleasing way. This must be the bliss the poets and philosophers have written about throughout the
ages – an ecstatic state of being with no cause – not a byproduct of anything
rather a pulsing vitality merely in existing.
me, this is a time of asking: What’s next?
What do I REALLY want? (and daring to dream big, to WANT, to let my
heart’s desires pour forth shamelessly – judging nothing that springs from the
depths of me enlivened by this freedom as I am engaged in this dance of life.) In
this inquiry, I know I am consciously inviting doors to close and doors to open. Some doors closing will be more difficult
than others but I am ready to let go of whatever I must to allow the OPENings. There have been times in my life where doors
have slammed shut that I begged the heavens to pry back open. Hell! I
have taken crow bars trying to do it myself, to impose my will, fighting for
what I wanted to be; and this is necessary, an instinctive reaction to the
events of life that absolutely suck and kick our asses. Then, we come to a crossroad where we must accept the door is not going to
open – what is done is done; we honor it – make it sacred – give thanks for it;
and choose to walk through the next door that OPENS, into the new life, the
unfolding and evolving adventure so we can blossom and grow.
our Self back stifles the life force that wants to flow freely through us. The invitation this day is to tune in to your
energy that does not lie as it mirrors our truest Self – all our wants and
desires for our life. Listen to your
inner voice and allow its wisdom to guide you through the ever-changing cycles
of life: doors closing and doors
opening. In the quietness within your
Self, dare to ask: What’s Next? What do I REALLY
want? Go all the way to the depths
of your Self, letting go of what others want for you or what you think you should want. Honor your Self with the truth that lies
within you that longs to be freed. Write
on the top of your journal: Tell the Fu%$ing Truth! and give your
Self the gift of an honest exchange with your Self, connecting deeply and
rawly. Remember, what you want matters as it is essential to allowing
you to come alive as never before. This
is YOUR life and creating a life you love, that expresses your truest Self is
the greatest legacy you can give your family and this world in need or your
fire, your passion, your joy, your BIG LOVE.
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