Grounding in this
In this moment
Wisdom’s song
Singing gently
The blahs
The sideways
The sinking in the
The elation
The joy
The pissed-offness
The scatteredness
The overwhelm
The happiness
The celebration
The frustration
All pockets of time
Flooding us
With various
Fleeting moments
Wrapped in big
ALL part of this
Coming and going
When we CHOOSE
To Allow
Instead of Resist
Getting in our
Spinning worry
Analyzing the hell
out of our Self
Judging what has
come forward
As “bad”
Believing we should
always feel
A certain way
We deem “good”
The invitation:
FREE your Self
EMBRACE it all
SING Wisdom’s Song
All day long
A friend of mine bought a 30 day yoga pass because he
felt drawn to trying something new and exploring this mystical practice. He shared that the minute he got on the mat,
he knew that this was where he needed to be in that moment at this time in his
life when he is in great transition. He
described the peace he felt as he consciously sipped in the breath through his
nostrils, soaking up the soothing music, enjoying the excitement of the unknown
as the instructor lead him into various postures and positions and feeling the
energy of the connection he found with the class. After this heavenly experience, he got into
his car and felt blah! which
surprised him because there was no apparent reason for this blah! feeling. He expected to feel all the “good” feelings
he had felt during the yoga practice.
And in the recognition that he expected the feelings to stay the same, he
began to laugh at himself and this fantasy, this delusion that there will ever
come a time when feelings stay the same.
He knows that to be alive is to be in the flow of life that includes
various emotions and fleeting feels for specific reasons and no reason at
all: Blahs! Overwhelm!
Sinking belly! Elation! Pissed-offness!
Peace! Joy! And so on. All of
these feelings a part of living and we listen to Wisdom’s song urging us to LET
IT BE! we are free flowing with it all that comes allowing instead of resisting
and trying to control the uncontrollable.
Nothing stays the same as emotions are ever-shifting like a roller
coaster twisting, turning, racing down the steep hill and then, slowly cranking
back up. Riding it all with hands in the
air instead of gripping trying to force the experience to be what we think it
should be is the key to freedom.
The invitation this day is to embrace all the feelings
that come your way, singing Wisdom’s Song:
LET IT BE! LET IT BE! hearing
Paul McCartney’s voice in your head. Notice
when you give your feelings the space to come forward and be acknowledged they
don’t grip you as they come and go in the allowing. Our willingness to BE with it all accepting
the human experience filled with a great range of emotions that are
ever-changing opens us to the fullness of life as we become FREE. Trying to control the uncontrollable, trying
to manage what arises strips the gift of feeling. Emotional integrity that is organic, authentic,
honest and raw allows us to be unconditionally present to what comes forward
and enlivens us in knowing: THIS IS
LIFE! This is all part of living. There
is healing in feeling…LET IT BE.
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