What does this
I don’t know
I live in the
But I do KNOW
With all of my
Who I am
Beyond my age
Beyond my
I am a Soul on fire
A Spirit FREE
Expressing in ways
Not possible
This moment
This place on my
Where JOY abounds
Where PASSION fuels
Where LOVE is
Where HOPE awakens
Where GRACE swirls
& dances me
I wouldn’t change a
Not because I
Because I KNOW with
all of me
Every step has led
me here
To this Heart Based
Nothing to defend
Nothing to explain
Just life to be
MORE will be revealed
As I continue to
show up
Day by day
Come what may
Both feet planted
Grounded in a sense
of Self
That has come from
living thus far
And who I will be
I haven’t a clue
But I know I will
LOVE her UP!
Right where she is
Delighting in the
No longer a fixed
idea of who I should be
No longer locked in
the Cage
Of my own making
And made of
cultural expectations
DANCING wildly
& spontaneously
To my inner rhythm
The worlds within
me SINGing
Inviting MORE play
My happiness no
longer contingent
Upon others
Upon life going my
This is MY LIFE
My most precious
This I KNOW with
all of me
I am the offering
I give my Self
My LOVE of life
I KNOW this is
I KNOW that I am
I carry an abiding
“THANK YOU” in my heart!
my great surprise to feel so damn young at age 45, to not feel identified by my
age in the least living agelessness in a way I never knew was possible. Not trying to be 20 or 30 or another age
other than 45, I only wish to honor this burning desire to come alive more and
more and more, drinking from this well of passion within me that allows
spontaneity, surprise and play as I live in the OPEN every single day. I had felt old my whole life! When I turned 40, I was like: It’s
about fu#%ing time! I have felt 40 since
I was 10. There was some relief in
arriving at an age that mirrored my inner life, my soul’s journey that came
into this world wise beyond my years, knowing things that most my age and
actually most much older didn’t know; and being unable to contain the enormity
of this depth which made life confusing and heavy. I was both an old soul possessing a wealth of
wisdom and a human with limited understanding.
I longed to trust my higher Self, hearing the call of my soul and this
was made possible on the other side of crazy
following the death of my late-husband, John, almost 3 years ago. Everything I had identified as was untethered
– truly, a gift from the heavens as I was completely rewired: mind,
body, heart and soul. The freedom I
now live in, the person I am, my ability to be unconditionally present to life,
the level of joy I experience for a million reasons and no reason at all came
from living through my own death, making my pain sacred, exercising no
restraint as I befriended “widow turrets” cursing wildly through screaming fits,
welcoming the grace even when I laid there in a ball wondering how the fu%# I could endure this much pain and
live, mothering my Self fiercely with abiding love that I had never permitted
before and letting what’s next?! organically
come one day at a time. I found a way to
live when life absolutely sucked accepting: this
is life! John gifted me with his life and is gifting me in his death if I
choose to USE this experience. And
in this revelation, I claimed my life as I never had before as the most
precious gift I have been given and knowing this ain’t no dress rehearsal, I
pull the curtains wide open every day and LIVE!
essay below is an excerpt from my book Passing
On Hope. I wrote it 8 years ago and
although I recognize that girl appreciating where she was and love her with all
of my heart, I am not her. I stand in
this day grateful for all that has been and for who I have been, for all that
is and for who I am today and I am thrilled with anticipation as my journey
continues into who I will become and all that is to be. I let
go and reach for more! I love each day
and live it all! My life mantra is SURPRISE!
makes me giggle like the child I never was but am becoming as I grow younger
living in the wonder.
Today I am 37
“She was learning to
love moments. To love moments for themselves.” —Gwendolyn Brooks
Today I am 37 years old. This is the first birthday that I
can remember having to actually think about my age. Most of my life, I
anxiously anticipated being older so much that I would start to say I was the
age I was going to be on my next birthday. I am not the same person I was this
time last year, and I don’t anticipate being the same person next year that I
am now. I live my life at a different pace with various textures that continue
to shape me into something new, something more.
Living more in the past and in the future than in the
present over the last 13 years, I had to leave behind this way of life that had
left me rushing to get to the future or incessantly visiting the past in an
attempt to figure it out or fix it. It was difficult to leave the chaos behind.
The past was familiar, and I took pride in how well I thought I had overcome
it. People thought that I had it all together, but if they could have entered
my mind for 5 minutes, they would have been exhausted and possibly disturbed by
the endless chatter of doubt, worry, and more worry.
Here I am, no longer young but far from old. It is dawn, and
I am basking in the glorious sunrise. The day is breaking, and the sky is a
work of art reminding me that this is a new day. The sky has never been exactly
as it is in this moment, and neither have I. As I watch the autumn sky over the
tree line, I am energized. The white clouds are layered with purple and gray,
accenting the brilliant rays of light boldly shining through. Perfection. The
rays burn brighter as they break through the clouds. We are like this when we
refuse to let the dark times overshadow our light. It may appear to be easier
to hide behind the clouds, but it is necessary and natural to let our light
Pausing to observe the day breaking is a gift for me. My
heart slows, and a sense of peace washes through my body. I gratefully accept
the gift of this moment and whatever the moments of this day bring. Life is as
wondrous as the sunrise. This makes me smile and silently say, “Thank you!
Thank you! Thank you, God!”
The garbage men are busy, but even the sounds of breaking
bottles and smashing trash can’t take away my peace. These sounds are merely
background noise in my life, like the clock ticking, the birds singing, the
house creaking. Peace cannot be altered from external factors; it can only be
altered within us. This is a grand way to be in the world!
There is no to-do list playing through my head taking me out
of this moment. There is no overscheduled day to rush me out the door. There is
no phone ringing to pull me away. There is no “You’ve Got Mail” popping up on
my computer to fill me with a sense of obligation. There is only this moment.
In this moment, I get to be.
The challenge for me and all of us is to maintain this sense
of peace that can only be found within ourselves while “doing” what we do
throughout our days. Do we bark at the first person who calls us for disturbing
our peace? Do we resent the person who cuts us off and carry that anger with us
throughout the day? Do we shove down our feelings instead of expressing
ourselves? We can’t hide from the world, but we can choose how we live in it.
Choose to return to peace no matter what life presents. There is an endless
supply within each of us. Happy Birthday to me and Happy Day to you!
Meditation: Do you ever allow
yourself a day that unfolds moment by moment? What would that feel like? Are
you consumed with thoughts and tasks from the time you wake up until you go to
bed? What does that feel like?
Action: Carve out a day
for yourself (I highly recommend your birthday!) and let it unfold moment by
moment. Turn off the ringer on your phone. Don’t get on the computer. Just be
with yourself and the day.
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