We all know the
sour taste
Biting into lemons
But adding a little
A little sweetness
To the lemons
Along with some
A refreshing beverage
That delights our
And quenches our
Even in the
unbearable heat of the day.
look at what others endure and think there is no way we could walk through that
fire. We face our own personal hells and
think: How will I walk through this? Events
pop up throughout our days that leave us grimacing as if we just bit into a
lemon but we look for the sweetness, all the good that we can mix with the sour
– counting our blessings, remembering who we are, surrounding our Self with
others who stoke our creative fires and sense of Self, looking to the past for
evidence that we can actually do even more than we know we can. We are lemonade makers!
received an email from a friend who recently dismantled a business partnership
after 20 years and is blazing a new path.
After a few days of processing the shock, grieving the lost friendships
and the life that was, adding some sugar to the jolting bitterness, he
declared: I am a lemonade maker! He is
making calls, knocking on doors, putting himself out in the world in ways he
never would have imagined. Doors are
opening through his effort and through the grace of the heavens. He is seizing the opportunities found in the
uncomfortable heat of this season, this day in his life. No matter what, he has committed to reminding
himself: I am a lemonade maker! Expecting
his thirst to be quenched and delighting in the new tastes life is presenting
even the sour.
invitation this day is to remember we are lemonade makers – we do this
effortlessly at times in ways we don’t even recognize because it is second
nature and we are called to do this in ways that seem impossible when faced
with events that rock us to our core. Go
to gratitude. Look for the good. Acknowledge what is troubling you, weighing
heavy on your heart. Be compassionately
present to your Self breathing reassurance into your body, heart, mind and soul. Grab fear by the hand and jump in the murky waters
doing what you must to make the lemonade.
Talk to yourself gently being the best friend you need and the nurturing
mother that swaddles you in abiding love.
Act as if your very life depends on caring for your Self and making
choices that lead you to freedom, knowing you deserve a life you love, knowing
you are precious and knowing there will never be another day just like this one
so find a way to enjoy it come what may.
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