NEVER underestimate
the power
It is indeed the
greatest gift.
headed out for a run, surrendering to Mother Nature’s gift of the pouring rain
and delighting the part of me that is fed by in climate weather which
transports me into a vacuum of oneness with all of Creation. There was no where I had to be, no one
waiting for me to take them out skiing or make breakfast so I was completely in
the here and now with no plan. There was
a silent urging as I ran further and further up the road. I ran past a red truck at the corner stop
sign and felt guided to look back. The
truck continued to stay, a deliberate stop that was prolonged. I ran toward it as the window rolled down and
I could hear a woman’s voice and see her shadow. I thought I knew the woman but couldn’t
recall who she was which is common for me since John’s death rewired my brain. When I got to the window, standing within 2
feet of her, I didn’t know her and this didn’t matter as she began to pour her
heart out: I just got back from Louisville.
Doug’s got the worst form of Leukemia and it doesn’t look good. He is in pain and whittling away to
nothin’. They told him he had allergies
and now it’s cancer. What am I supposed
to tell my mamma? There was a little
girl who was 9 and she told me she only has a couple of weeks left to
live. She told me not to worry because
she and Doug will have wings soon flying around the Heavens watching over
everyone – even her parents who are in prison who she hasn’t seen since she was
4. She is ready to die after 4 years of
treatments and not feeling so good but has hung on to make sure her granny who
has raised her is okay. I couldn’t
believe that little girl was comforting me.
Where does her strength come from?
How can she be so peaceful? …I am
out driving because I don’t know what else to do. I just moved back here after leaving my
husband of 15 years. He took half of
everything and I keep wondering when all this bad stuff is going to end. I just feel so mixed up and I don’t know what
to do for my Bubby, Doug…
stood there with the woman in the red truck as the rain poured over me held in
timelessness where healing happens mystically.
I listened. I didn’t try to fix
anything as there was nothing to fix. I
was able to bear witness to her pain and anguish and sorrow and grief as well
as the miracle of the 9 year old angel and the love this woman has for her
bubby and mamma. I let her say whatever
she needed to say until she ran out of bottled up steam expressed through words;
letting her tell me when she got what
she needed. She told me she had better
move on down the road so I shared this with her: Never
underestimate the power of your presence.
It is the greatest gift you can give your brother.
drove away and I ran back to the houseboat, giving thanks for the wisdom of my
experience being present to my brother, Michael during his cancer and ultimate
death. This journey with Michael taught
me that my presence is indeed the greatest gift and left me in awe that this
undervalued, unacknowledged force within us creates miracles in this world.
invitation this day is to value and acknowledge the gift that is your presence
and see the gift others bestow on you with their presence. Know that your presence in this world is
enough. Be with your Self. Be with others. Witness the miracles.
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