Saturday, July 6, 2013

Shifting into Another Gear


It’s a great day.
It’s a great day.
Life is damn good.
Life is damn good.
Thank you for the gift of my life.
Thank you for the gift of my life.
Thank you for this day
And all the miracles that it will certainly bring.
(Repeat over and over all day long.)

I woke up walking sideways with my head foggy and dense with heavy congestion that affected me: mind, body, heart and soul.  I acknowledged all I was feeling not denying what was but know the power of affirmations to help me shift into another gear so I began to say over and over:  It’s a great day…It’s a great day…Life is damn good…Life is damn good…Thank you for my life…Thank you for my life…Thank you for this day and all the miracles that it will certainly bring.  I put one foot in front of the other doing the things I needed to do assuring my Self that all is well; everything is good even when it didn’t feel that way.

When I got to the fitness center in my condo building, a neighbor and I made eye contact exchanging pleasantries.  Then, he said in a way that I knew he was trying to convince himself:  It’s a great day.  We laughed together with a shared knowing that it is a great day even when we are off-kilter and reminding our Self of this is a powerful tool to shift gears.  I explained to him where I was and how I had been saying those exact words over and over to tap into and invite the greatness of the day regardless of how I was feeling.  It was a wonderful connection with someone I had never spoken to before that moment enlivening me with a sense of how our stories play out differently but the human journey is a shared experience full of similar challenges, struggles and triumphs – small and large. 

While it is important to acknowledge our feelings and not deny them, it is equally as essential not to wallow in them or identify with them to the point where we are swept away like a river flooding through us, knocking us off our center, carrying us into overwhelm that is all-consuming.  We are not our feelings yet we have feelings about everything.  We are far more than the sum of our experiences and yet the experiences of our life are information about where we are and help us get clear on what we want.  We are creatures of soul – limitless and magnificent.  Self-talk through affirming dialogue allows us to tap into our higher Self, that well of strength, courage, truth that creates miracles in our lives, lifting us beyond the muck that restricts us with heaviness as we feel burdened, hopeless, defeated and powerless.

The invitation this day is to experience the power of Self-talk where no matter what you are experiencing or feeling at any moment, you remember all that lies within you.  From this space, all things are possible as we hold the paradox of life that everything is okay even when it doesn’t feel okay.  The soul is nourished by truth so speak it all day long

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