Cultivating KINDNESS:
COMMIT to The Practice…
It all starts with a commitment to practice kindness! Choice by choice, moment by moment, day by day, we practice KINDNESS as a way of being. Apologize when you aren’t kind, forgive yourself, ask for a do-over and try again and again and again.
OBSERVE Your Life Compassionately…
Patiently & kindly observe yourself and the world around you – BE PRESENT in your life. Observing your words, your feelings, your choices, your behaviors, your body talk, your beliefs, your interactions with others, you become AWARE. In this awareness, you can mindfully live your life.
HONOR Your Needs…
KINDNESS starts with being kind to yourself! Your relationship with yourself impacts all relationships. Know what your needs are and give yourself permission to take care of yourself every single day. Find ways to de-stress: go for a walk, move your body, eat healthy, sleep, take a breather, be with good friends, go to the park, sing, dance – whatever YOU need!
ENJOY Your Life…
Schedule Downtime. Just be. Say “No.” You will blossom in the white spaces on your calendar! Do not over-schedule your life and let the burden of your obligations drain you. Make time for the things you absolutely ENJOY! After all, this is YOUR life.
CONNECT with Yourself and Others…
We crave connection! When you can connect with yourself, you can connect with others. A smile, making eye contact, saying “Hello!” and listening generously are simple yet powerful acts of KINDNESS.
AVOID Nothing…
When you meet whatever comes your way head on, you can make the choices necessary to move through any circumstances. Avoidance makes everything pile up, overwhelming you and depleting your energy. Honest conversations clear the air and make room for solutions.
STOP Fighting to Be Right…
Allow others to have their own points of view and express their opinions. Respectfully listen even if you do not agree. No one wins when we have to make someone wrong so we can be right!
GIVE Thanks…
There are no two words more powerful when spoken from the heart than “THANK YOU.” Be an appreciator! Appreciate and acknowledge the gifts of each day and each person in your life. Go to gratitude all day long and watch your life expand in beautiful ways.
Laughter heals, releasing a vibration of joy in simply being alive. Don’t take yourself or life too seriously. Be playful and look for reasons to laugh and invite humor into all of your days.
DWELL in The Possibilities…
Attitude is everything! Shift your perceptions. Be the change. BELIEVE! If you think nothing will ever get better, it won’t; if you believe that something is impossible, it is. When you see the possibilities, feel the possibilities and live the possibilities, you create an expansive life of adventure and wonder.
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