Sunday, February 3, 2013

BELIEVE! BELIEVE! and BELIEVE! some more...

SUPER BOWL SUNDAY!  What a perfect reminder for us to BELIEVE in the impossible and assess our beliefs, letting go of what no longer serves us, making room for beliefs that set us FREE. 

What if the only mountain to move is YOU?

BELIEVE in PEACE:  It Comes from Within…
There is a well of PEACE within us that is unsinkable and cannot be touched by the chaos of the outside world.  This isn’t a place where we can hide from life, rather it is a well so vast that it can contain whatever life brings our way.

BELIEVE in GRATITUDE:  Give Thanks for the Little Things…
The attitude of GRATITUDE is the vessel that carries the light into all moments of life.  Be an appreciator and say, “Thank you!” all day long.  Be in awe of your life and all life and meet each day with a sense of reverence for all that is.

Things that we now know are possible were once believed impossible.  FAITH makes space for what wants to come through us, beyond the limitations we have imposed on our self and our life.  FAITH cultivates untapped potential waiting to be birthed.

HAPPINESS does not exclude unhappiness.  HAPPINESS allows all of life and welcomes what comes as a beloved friend with much to share.  HAPPINESS knows that to simply be ALIVE is a grand thing, to LOVE is the greatest legacy; to LAUGH is a healing balm like no other.

BELIEVE in MIRACLES:  Magic Happens…
We show up for life and life unfolds – MAGIC HAPPENS and beyond our plans more than we could ever have imagined occurs.  When we stay open instead of thinking we have life figured out and stop trying to control everything and everyone, MIRACLES flow through our life that reveal we are far more than we pretend to be.

BELIEVE in DREAMS:  Follow Your Heart…
The longest 18 inches is the journey from our head to our heart.  DREAMS are born of the heart not dictated by the expectations of family or culture.  The HEART is the wisest part of us, the keeper of the truest self that is free, fierce and full of possibilities.

BELIEVE in HOPE:  Never Give Up…And PASS IT ON!
HOPE never gives up on us, on others, or on life itself even when we have to give up the life we had planned.  We must remind our self again and again of who we truly are and what we are made of so we can remind others. 
Together we RISE to heights unknown!

Created by Kathy McHugh Threewits                                                                             

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