Monday, February 9, 2015

One Dance with Many Dancers!

Growing Your Self. Letting Go and Letting Life burst through You. The great Surprise of You aligned with This Force within You. Revealing your Own Nature. So ALIVE! Evolving. Riding You into All that Heart and Soul that Knows you are here to Experience Joy. This Abiding resonance echoing through You Breath by Breath. Even when Fear comes and it surely does washing through you with the Heat of terror, anxiety, worry and doubt; remember it is energy. It is alive. Just Breathe. Let go of judging it. Accept It as a part of being Human. Let it come and Let it Go. Liberation comes in the moment! Recognizing Fear and Not resisting It. Rooted in Your own Nature, This Force within You, feeling connected to the Power of the Universe. Feeling your Truest Strength. Feeling Unstoppable. Feeling Uncontainable. Trusting your Self. Trusting the Universe. Trusting All moments and Believing every experience is Purposeful. The challenges come Not just to kick your Ass but to Free You. To take You into You Spirit where you Meet your Truest Self and Feel the Assisting Forces fueling your every Step as You slay the Dragons and walk into More of Life. Dreams awaiting. Calling You into your Joy. Receiving the Miracle You are! Living the Magic. Daring to BELIEVE In this Amazing Grace you Embody lifting the Veils of Illusion. One moment Blind. And Now, You See. Wow moments! Seeing the Truth and Beauty of You. The Fear and The Pain is no match for the Brave Heart. Consciously dance with this Fierceness all Day, every Day. Being aware. Befriending the Fear instead of hiding it. Challenging the Hurt Self, the Powerless Child that will keep Life at bay attempting to Stay safe; playing out Patterns that served You at One time as You were in Survival Mode. But it is Time to THRIVE! Scoop that Hurt Self Up. Shower that Part of You with Love. Big LOVE. Unconditional Love. Pulling Shame out of this Part of You. Place this Powerless Child in the Back Seat buckling It Up, giving It a Sucker; and Driving Your Life full Throttle into Present Time. Standing within Your Self moving deliberately into this Dream awake. Your Love of Living springing from this Vibration of Pure Joy. Following Your Bliss. Letting Go. Letting All that Heart and Soul cultivate the Seeds of Promise You came here to Sow. Being You. Loving You. Freeing You. Returning Home to Your Sacred Self Inspiring others to Find their Way being who They Are. Knowing we are One. One Song ever-Singing. One Life expressing uniquely through each of Us. One Dance with many Dancers. Happyass Dance into The Wild! Feeling Excited. Living Out Loud. Woo woo woofrickinhoo:).

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