Monday, December 15, 2014

This Quiet Echo Within

There is a Quiet Echo within. That's where You Meet the heavens. Your Soul. One with the One. The Truest Self ever-guiding You Home to This Well of Love You came here to Express. The One True Thing. This Force so Great. It Must be Felt. Experienced. Tasted. As it is beyond Human Comprehension. Undefinable. Uncontainable. This limitless field of Pure Potential ready to Dance You. Surprise You. Take You on a Ride to Worlds within You Ready to Sing. Our Cultural Addiction to Perfection is so Pervasive, You forget the Truth and Beauty of You. Life on the Surface. Noisy. Dense. Staticky. Stripping the Joy. This abiding Resonance. The Vibration of Your divine Essence. Disconnected from this Sacredness, the Universe within You So Alive. This Power within that Parts the Seas and moves the Mountains that surely come. It ain't about being perfect it is about being YOU. You do you perfectly. It isn't about being Good. It is the call of Passion. This Communion. So holy. Receive Your Self. The Abundance of You. Here. Now. Always There. In the Stillness, the Fire Roars. Stirring You. Calling You. Awakening You. The Repression Burns You. The Expression Nourishes You. The Soul knows. The Heart Remembers. Letting go of the Idea. Living the Life You came Here to Live. Fulfilling Your Destiny to Share All this Love, this Passion. Your Energy doesn't lie. It is No Bullshit. The distinction so Clear tuned into Your Body's Wisdom between Being Alive and Feeling Alive. Dulled versus Plugged In. Your Vitality Springing. Your Fire Stoked. Feeling the Juice. Believing You Matter. Believing what You Want for Your Life Matters. Your Joy in Being You Matters. Knowing this Life is Yours. You are Here to Play with Infinity Coloring this World with You. In the Joy of living you feed your soul Which can never be satisfied by the ego's quests for merely the material. And yet it isn't Not about the Material. Materializing Your Spirit creating A Life You Love. Being You. A life that fits You. Inspires You. Liberates More and More of You All of Your Days. Reflects who You truly are. The Abundance flowing. You live Free. Clutching Your Heart in Awe, so Grateful, You get the Privilege of Riding this Wondrous Adventure. Letting Go. Letting Love. Remembering: All this Heart. All this Soul. It is YOU. Woo woo woofrickinhoo:))!

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