Saturday, September 6, 2014

Be Passionate. Be Fierce.

Go straight into Your Heart. Fierce. Brave beyond measure. Longing to Free You. More of You. Ready to Play. Express. Risk. Explore. Leap into what's next?! Your Heart's desires are Sacred. Hold them dear. Hold Your Self dear. Let go of Shame. Let go of judgment. Let go of what others might say or think. Want what You want. For this Day. For your Life. Keep your eye on the Prize. Believing. In You. In the Universe. Walking hand in hand with assisting forces. Within You. Unwavering. Steadfast. Living Open. Seizing opportunities. Experimenting. Dipping your toe In. Plunging into new waters. Allowing the Fears to wash up. Befriending worry, doubt and anxiety. Knowing you are Held by this Love You are. Nothing can stop You. You are the mountain to Move. You are the sea to Part. Dropping into Your Sacred Heart that houses the Heart of the World. Receive this Love. Breath by Breath. Let it Free You. Let Go of mental constructs. Analyzing Your Self. Trying to Figure Your Self Out. Judging your Self. Stop trying to Change! Within You lies EVERYTHING You need to Live the Life You came here to Live. Let Go. Let This force of Love release the grip of the Mind stuck in beliefs that no longer serve You. Patterns that keep You stuck. And old subconscious programs that hold You hostage and wrap You around ideas that there is a right and wrong way to Live. This Fear of F*cking up keeps You from Showing Up! Listen. Your Brave Heart is calling You Home. To experience new depths of Courage. It is one helluva a Ride breaking Free. Letting the Passion pour from You. All day. Being You. Loving You. Doing You. Feeling the Joy. This abiding Love ALIVE within You. Within all of Creation. Dance! Dance! Dance! Let Your Heart sing its truest Song: LOVE. Woo woo woofrickinhoo!!!

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