Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Life holds us
Where we feel stuck
In between where we are
And where we want to go.
Life rushes in
Where we experience
The alignment
Of our hopes and dreams.
Life comes
Ready or not
In its own time.
Sometimes we simply aren’t ready
And this is okay.
We can’t possibly miss our life
As it is Here and Now.
Everything falls into place
Moment by moment.

Last evening, I was speaking of my life and how I never could have planned it as magnificently as it has unfolded.  Looking back, I clearly see how plans I had made derailed causing necessary delays that gave me exactly what I needed to get where I was going.  There were things I knew I wanted for my life as far back as I can remember but my life is grander and more wondrous than anything I ever imagined.  At only 44 years old with lifetimes ahead of me, I trust the timing of life and there are definitely moments when I kick, scream and curse it for not bending at my command. 

Timing is a topic of conversation every day for me, reflecting on my own life and in discussions with friends as well as one on one sessions with those I get to coach.  As humans, we are wired to want what we want when we want it.  It is in our nature to push and do whatever we can to make things happen; and some of us are wired with more yang energy where we drive our Self and others crazy as we attempt to force life to comply with our time.  But try as we might, none of us gets to choose the timing of how our life unfolds.

All of us have experienced life holding us where we feel stuck in between where we are and where we want to go.  All of us have experienced life rush in aligning all our hopes and dreams.  Life comes whether we are ready or not in its own time.  And sometimes we simply aren’t ready and this is okay.  We often worry that we will miss our life but this isn’t possible as it is here and now.  Everything falls into place moment by moment.  This is why being in the moments of our life is essential. 

Being in the moment is our part in the participation with life’s timing.  This is us being present, consciously dancing with the universe which allows us to use each experience, to seize opportunities and to make choices that free our spirit to enjoy this adventure in new and exciting ways.   Life comes and we meet it right here and now.  There is no right or wrong choice.  Choices move us forward, taking us into the next moment where events unfold that line up with where we want to go or don’t want to go, informing the next choice. 

The invitation this day is to not live in regret or in the misperception that you have missed opportunities and there won’t be more.  Remember, this moment is your life bringing forward opportunities; it is unfolding in ways you can see and in ways that you can’t but you truly cannot miss your life. Consciously enter your life right here and now, letting it tell you where you are (the inquiry being:  What is life trying to tell me?), revealing possibilities, infusing you with hope and a sense of vitality.  And be patient with your Self as you want what you want in your time and find a way to trust the timing of life that is a benevolent force working in partnership with you for your highest good and greatest joy even when it doesn’t feel this way.

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