Offering encouragement to me a few years ago during one of life's storms, my friend, Lois emailed me: I recommend the attitude of the jellyfish which rides out the seas because it goes along with them. She added that I do this so well, far better than most which felt true even though there were definitely moments of fighting the currents, resisting what was, kicking and screaming, cursing the gods.
Yesterday, a note arrived from her which is always a treat when I see her handwriting as I sift through my mail. She just turned 85 and moved over a year ago to an assisted living community in Maine with her husband of 64 years, Ken. In spite of Ken's deteriorating health which forced this move, Lois's vitality is undeniable, palpable, leaping from her words and handwriting. At Christmas, she sent a picture card of she and Ken, both beaming with delight as they stood bundled in winter garb with snow-filled pine trees in the back ground. Her note to me: Much love, Kathy dear - and a snowball or two with a smiley face.
The circumstances of our lives don't dictate the amount of joy and happiness we experience. Our ability to accept what is and be present to life, riding out the seas wherever it takes us creates a sense of aliveness like nothing else. Unexpected joys rise when we are in the moment whether in stormy waters or calm.
Lois's note yesterday says it best: This place is plum full of "jellyfish" - takes a while for most of us to catch on...Ken is enjoying himself at 89 - that is all one wants...We're watching a 3 day gift of snowy skies.
I invite you to join me as well as Lois, along with her friends in the assisted living community, in adopting the attitude of the Jellyfish and experiencing the magic of being unconditionally present to your life.
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