Sunday, August 31, 2014

Today: New Day. New Choices. New You.

Remember who You are. Stand in this Day. Moment by moment grounded in a sense of wholeness. Use your breath to connect Mind. Body. Heart. And Soul. Feeling Plugged in to Your Self and to Life. Flowing. Opening. Giving. Receiving. Welcoming the possibilities. Creating this day Not from what happened yesterday. Let go! Enter this day with fresh eyes. New perspective. Visualizing what you want to unfold. Experiencing the Goodness. Knowing Anything is Possible. Let go! Do not carry what is dead, what has played out, what has happened before this moment into this Day. Choose to live Free. Untangling your precious life force from dramas and chaos. Choose to be Happy:). Smiling into Your Heart. Feeling the Light of the heavens ignite within You echoing into the Heart of the World. Fishing from the Ocean of Love within You. This Divine force. Always there. Always here. Ready to usher You home. Out of the Cage created by BS beliefs, from old patterns that grip You and strip your Joy. Receive this Love You are. The essence of All Creation. Let the seas part. Let the mountains move. You are worth the effort! You deserve to dance Free in the Beauty of this Life. This Day. And Your attitude instantly brings the shift. Elevates You beyond the circumstances. Pulls You out of the Muck. Remember: YOU have Wings! Use them. Choose liberation. Kick ass for Your Self. Fight those urges to wallow in victim consciousness that is so pervasive in us all. Just say: Hell No! Grab your Self by the hand. And Love your Self Up. Remember the Song in your Heart. Let it sing You Home. To this Love You Are. The Beauty of You. The Truth of You. You are Courage in motion moving through this Day, discovering New gears, New depths. Be Excited! Today is a New Day. Make it freakin AWEsome! I am FEELin You. Me. All. At Play. Living this Dream Awake. Open. Allowing. Woo woo woofrickinhoo:))

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Power of THANK YOU!

Stand in the moments of this Day with All of You. Engaged in a sense of Your Self. Breathe into your Heart Center and Feel grateful for Your Life. Say THANK YOU! Over and over as you go about your rituals and routines. Gratitude is an Amazing force. Immediately Opening You. Connecting You to a Higher sense of Self. Touching the Sacred Heart of the Universe within Your Heart. Feeling light. Residues of Yesterday letting go as You find your way to THANK YOU. Focusing on the Good. Counting Blessings. Each Breath. Absolutely Magic. Opening You. Freeing You. Reminding You. This is Your Life. Holy beyond measure. No matter what is challenging You. Be grateful. Acknowledge the fears, worries, doubts AND say THANK YOU! Expecting the Good to be revealed. Even in the midst of storms, you can open Your sails inviting the Graces of the Universe to guide You through. To extract the wisdom. To show You a Higher Perspective. Bless the Day all day long. Bless your Life all day long. And You will experience the undeniable energy shift that is absolutely divine. Euphoric. Lovely. Beautiful. You are the Abundance of life. You are the Blessing. You are the answered Prayer. You possess the Love of the Universe within your Being. Call on it. Use it. Be empowered. Emboldened. More ALIVE. Believing anything is Possible! Believing with All of You. You are worthy and deserving of ALL the good in this Life. Receive this Love from the well within You. And kick this days ass being You. Living. Loving it All. Woo woo woofrickinhoo:))

Friday, August 29, 2014

Live the Adventure You Are.

Life is a Living Adventure. You uniquely expressing life. Following Your Joy. Letting Your Heart guide you moment by moment. Choice by choice. Day by day. So wondrous. The unfolding of You. Life. Letting Go. Not trying to figure it Out. Daring to Live. To show Up. To be Surprised. To live Open. To dance in the unknown Trusting your ever-guiding soul to lead you Home to more of Your Self. To a sense of Rest within your Self. At Play with infinity. Sacred longings bubbling Up. Emboldened. You do what you have never done. Acting on Instincts. Urges tugging at You. No more dismissing the Wisdom of the Universe that lies Within You. Placing you in the Fire. Moments where you test your New Wings. Coming to See. You can Fly. Flying in ways you never imagined you could. Here you are. Shocking the hell outa your Self. Soul fueled. Powered by the Love of the Universe. Courage beyond measure. Your kryptonite. Heart ablaze. Untamable. Unstoppable. You. Fierce. Steadfast. Deliberate. Alive as never before. This Day. This Moment. Awakening. Shedding the crap. Asking the Creator to clip away beliefs, attitudes, actions, patterns that must Go. So you can Go where you have never Gone. Into your Self. Into the World. Knowing You Matter. Knowing the Significance of your Dreams. Knowing you are here to Free the Passion. To live for the Love of Living. Tasting the Joy. The Sweetness. Even in the midst of personal hells. So divine. Ecstasy. Experiencing heaven. Life unconditional. Carrying an abiding THANK YOU in your Heart. Living from the Inside Out. Happy Dancin because it feels Good to FEEL Good. And it is damn Good to Be You. Do You. Love You. Woo woo woofrickinhoo:))

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Remember: You are Loved.

Just Remember. YOU are Special. You being You is always enough. You are the greatest gift You give. You are the Offering. You are the Amazing Grace of the heavens embodied journey here on earth. YOU are Loved. You are loved beyond measure. The significance of You and your life cannot be calculated. Feel this. Let your Heart speak to You. Echoing the Awe and Wonder of You. The Vibrational dance of You. This Love You are at Play with All of Creation. Doing You. Being You. Awaken. Stand in the moments fueled by this Love. Centered. The inner foundation: Faith. Trust. Certainty. This Love parting the seas and clearing obstacles the mind creates. Hell breaking loose as the cage of your Mind is opened into the heavens within You. Me. All. One Love. Dancing Free in the limitlessness. You are. This Love. Infinite potential hatching. Possibilities springing from the depths of You. Ready to materialize. Create the Life you Love. So Fun to be You. Aligned. At Rest. Knowing: this is the Life You came here to live. And wouldn't have it any other way. The challenges. The triumphs. All Perfect. All part of unfolding You. Appreciate Your Self. There is no one in all of this world like You. There will never be another You. Appreciating who you are. You can appreciate others. Even those you don't like or enjoy or choose to spend time with. Appreciation says: I see You. Just like me. You are making your way doing the best you can with what you Know. Ever-growing. Evolving. Remember: your Heart, this energy of Appreciation serves You. Me. All. Your judgment serves no one. Choose to Appreciate everything. And watch your Life blossom mystically. Magically from the inside Out. Clutch your heart all damn day saying THANK YOU! Feel this transforming power pulsing through You. Pausing. Stopping. Remembering. You matter. Everyone Matters. Love your Self Up! So you can Love others Up. Love Big. Live this Love. Wide Open. Flowing. Riding the Magic carpet life is. Moment by moment. Damn Good to be You. Happydance:). Woo woo woofrickinhoo! Do You. Be You. Love You.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Do You. Be You. Love You.

This Day Follow the Signs. Welcome the wonders. Be in Awe. Life Affirming You. Reminding You of the significance of You. Good omens reminding You who You are. All that You are. Urging you to stay the course. Believe in Your Self! Know You matter. Lifting You beyond your limited perspective that gets tangled up in knots. Feeling stuck in a rut. Worried how you will ever get where you wanna go. How you will ever pull down all the dreams that lie in your Heart. Waves of overwhelm knocking you around. Stealing the Joy of being You. Forgetting it is Fun to be You. To live this life. To experience this one-of-a-kind adventure You are riding. Being You. Understanding You gotta be You. You gotta live a life that fits You. You owe no one. This life belongs to You. Find your way to Thank You! The well of gratitude bubbling Up. Saying Thank You all day for the Amazing Life you are riding. Grateful for the badass adventurers you get to Play with who Inspire You. Spontaneous conversations. Your free spirit dancing with theirs. The Spirit is ageless. In the Play of Life, the surprises Rise. The Creative forces part the seas and move the mountains. No longer confined by limited ideas, thinking and beliefs. Souls at Play. In the moment. Coming Alive together. Shaking You Up. Liberating You. Letting Go. Letting the heavens dance You into the Beauty you are. Do what You must! Pull your energy into present time. Whisper sweetly to Your Self. Assuring words. Stoking that inner fire. Standing in your Higher Self, the truest foundation, touching this force of Love, the universe within You. Remembering: this Love. This Love. This Love I am. In moments of Awe. In moments of overwhelm. This Love holds me. Nourishes me. Releases the tension, worry, fear, judgment. Love is the answer. Love is the healer. Love is the miracle. Love is the essence of You. Me. All. Fish from this Ocean within all day. Watch your outer world mirror this Love. Let go. Let LOVE do what it does. Happy dance this Day. Fueled by Love. Woo woo woofrickinhoo:)! Do you. Be you. Love You.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

This Inner Rhythm Dances You.

Connect to the rhythm of Life. Breath by magic Breath. Return to this natural state of grace. Echoing from your very Heart. Dancing You. Me. All. Poetically. Perfectly. Magnificently. Into each moment. Life. Ever-flowing. Trust Life. Stand in Faith. Remembering this Love You are. The essence of All Creation. The Power of the Universe within You. This Soul Force animating You. Guiding You into What's Next?! This day. Each moment. Be there. Be Danced. Freeing more of You. Passion fueled. Untangling from old patterns and beliefs and attitudes that drain your precious life. Dare the heavens to Show off through You. Shouting: "Bring It ON! Let's Play." Consciously engage with the Infinite. Always there. Do not go to sleep at the wheel of your life. All of You wide Open: body. Mind. Heart. Soul. Occupy your Self. Wholly. Deliberately. Grounded in a deep Sense of your Self. Your Life. What You want. The possibilities. Catching dreams. Pulling them down. Wow moments. Be in Awe of Life. This Sacred Dance. Ripening You exquisitely. Amazing grace blowing through You. Me. All. Let Go. Jump. Into the unknown. Knowing it is gonna be Great. Your courageous Heart. Limitless. Fierce. Enlivening You. You are so Brave! Be Bold. Feel emboldened. You are the Miracle-maker aligned with this Love. You are. Receive this Love. Again and again. All day long. Life is Magic when you believe in the Magic of You. Woo woo Woofrickinhoo!!!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Some Kind of Amazing Life You are Riding!

Connect to All of You. Mind. Body. Heart. Soul. Free Your Self. All that grips You. Experience your wholeness. This Big Life. Here. Now. Unable to contain You. Me. All. Ever-growing. Unfolding. Flowing. Breath by Breath. Whispering: "Don't Wait! Life is Now. And Some day may never come." Let your Spirit Dance You. At play. Out of the Cage. Into More. Again and Again. New Depths. Exploring. You. All that is bubbling Up. Enlivened by All you are feeling. No longer Afraid of Your Self. Trusting even the Anxiety. The moments of Terror. The worry. The doubt. Are just a part of being Alive. Anticipating. New Life. Birthing. Old life cycling out. An adventure breaking through You. Be with it All. This moment. Excited by what awaits. The arrival of More. You. Life. The Joy tasted in the wanting. Being. Living. No longer judging your Self. Ashamed by what you are feeling. You are Alive in the direct experience. Life shifting. You. Me. All. This Big Life. Some kind of Amazing Life you are Riding! Badass. You are the Adventure. And the Adventurer. The Dream. And the Dreamer. Heart fueled. Courage springing. Your Bravery roaring. Opening. Not allowing you to settle. To play small. To die. Before You have Lived. Fully. Expressing You. Life yet to be. So Big. The Joy of being You. The heavens assisting You. Applauding You. Yes!!! You. Awesome You. Too much for some. Not enough for others. Stand in a Sense of Self. Receive this Love from the well within. Empowered. Dare to let go! And just be You. Big. Bold. Badass. You. Woo woo Woofrickinhoo:))

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Dance with the Wisdom within You.

Stand here. Breathe. Feel your breath rush through You. Nourishing You. Awakening You. Occupy your Body. Experiencing wholeness. A sense of integration: Mind. Body. Heart. Soul. All of You. Dancing with Infinity. At play with Life. Joyfully Alive. Your Body houses the Wisdom of the Universe. Listen to it. Let it guide you. Into your highest Good and Greatest Joy. Know Thyself. Walk deliberately into Life. With Life. You an expression of the heavens here on earth. Engage. Feel the Universe within You. Within All. One. This force. Animating You. All. Perfect. Always Perfect. Trusting. As never before. It is Time to Go. Where you are being called. Into more of You. Stirring You. Shaking Life up. Calling you Home. Opportunities to Explore. Your Strength. Your Courage. Your Power. Tune in. Plug into this Wisdom. Always there. Here. The Universe ever-present. Longing to Free You. Return you to the Joy in living. In being You. Not to punish You. Not to Scold or shame you. Or hold you back. No! This is human BS. Beliefs you have inherited. Let go. Lean into the moments. The direct experiences. Showing you. You. All that you are. More. Always more. Magnificent You. Believe in the Force of Life you are. Connect to this Love within you. The limitless well. Soul fueled. Follow your Bliss. Come Alive. More than what feels safe or comfortable. Be guided by your Joy in wanting experiences. Live your way to the Dream. Experiencing this Love you are. Let the Amazing Grace do what it does. Take its hand. Jump. Against and again. You are so badass. Yes. You are. Woo woo Woofrickinhoo!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Be It. Being It. Magic!

Today. As you climb out of bed. As you feel you feet on the floor. Enter this new day Open. Breathe. Connect to your Self: mind. body. heart. soul. Feel all of You. Alive. Engaged. Fully aware that You Matter. Shower your Self with Love. Understanding the Love you give Your Self. This Love you receive from the well within You feeds You and sustains you through the storms, the challenges, the chaos that is a part of life. Living with a sense of this Love is Fierce. Being the truest friend to your Self. You become the truest friend to all. The world. Your Heart serves. Your judgment does not. Let go. Let this Love companion You. Moment by moment. Honor your needs and wants as you do others. Stop overriding, dismissing your needs and wants. They are Sacred. They are leading You into your highest Good. Your Joy in being You. Living. Sailing your Vessel through this day. This Lifetime. Care for Your Self allows you to care for others. This Love is Essential nourishment. Acknowledge what comes crashing through. All the overwhelming experiences. And find your way to the Awe. In being You. Experiencing this Adventure. All of It. Here. Now. Believe in Your Self. Trust your Self. Touch The Power that lies within you. Let it part the seas and return you to this Love that brings the Joy pouring through no matter how rough the waters. You. Your relationship with You is EVERYTHING. It changes your relationship with the whole. Fed by understanding and compassion, you will bring in friends of similar energy. Not wanting to control You or change You. They See You. They are not afraid of You. They are not threatened by You being You. They Love you. They celebrate You. They say: Let's Play. Let's enjoy life together. Let's Inspire each other to Live this Dream life is wide awake. Wide Open to the Possibilities. And all of sudden, life is Magic. Knowing the Magic You are. Riding the Magic carpet with those who Dare to Love who they are and Love this Life with all of them. Be it! Bring it! Woo woo Woofrickinhoo!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Feel Your Self: Play. Sing. Dance.

Feel it. Feel Your Self. Feel your Aliveness. Feel your breath, Life pulsing through your body. Opening You. Expanding You. Clearing what must go. Energizing You. Inhaling. Exhaling. Welcoming the nourishment. Heaven flowing through You. Amazing Graces of the Universe doing what You alone cannot. Will not. Subconscious tethers holding You back. Reeling You in. No more! Stand here. In this moment. All of You. Mind. Body. Heart. And Soul. Invite the whole of You to show up. Big. Bigger than what feels safe. Engaged. Exploring this Day. Allowing this limitless adventure to Seize You. The truest Liberation: No longer Afraid of YOU, Your Self. Being You. All of You. Especially the You others have judged because they don't understand; because it makes them uncomfortable. Letting them say, think, believe what they will. Letting them be. No explaining You. Living beyond Reason. Following the Call. Only You can hear. Your Sacred Self awakening You. Taking you into the Surprises that await. Daring to be You. Knowing the Joy of being You. Living on your terms. Giving your Self permission to Go further than You imagined. Beyond. Flying out of the Cage door again and again. Because You must. Live Free. Freeing You. Who you are Now. There is More. Always. As long as breath is in your body, you are ever-blossoming. For your Joy. Dancing. Playing. Discovering. It ain't over til it's over! The final letting Go will come. But here You are. Declare your Hearts desires for this Day and taste the sweetness. Moment by moment. Let your playful soul dance to the song in your Heart. Celebrating You. Me. All. Counting Blessings all damn day. Seeing EVERYTHING is a Blessing. Start with You. Receive this Love You are. Part the seas. Move the mountains. Being You. Woo woo Woofrickinhoo!!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Courage to Be You!

Today. Muster the Courage to be You. Connect to your Heart. Let it remind You of the gift you are. The gift of this Life. All that lies within you ready to express Now. Because it is Time. There are Seasons. Life cycles. Organic shifts. Happening. Within you. Manifesting in the outer world. You are Not meant to stay the same. Invite the More calling You. You are ever-growing. Ever-blossoming. Ever-awakening to the Sacred longings you came into this world with. Be with your Self. Allow your own Voice to call you Home. Opening. Flowing. Unafraid of You. And The life you came here to Live. You are here to Speak to the World being You. Singing Your Song. This Love. You are. The Universe within You. Expressing you. Not some idea of You. Not some version of You. Let go of the constructed Self. Let go! Stop reeling your Self in. Let go! And live with a sense of "This is who I am." Inviting more of You. Recognizing: You cannot manufacture anything as Great as Being You. You are the greatest gift you give the World. Grounded in a Sense of Your Self. Step into the moments. Deliberately. On Purpose. As you are. With All of You at Play. Feel the Ease of being You. Simply You. The Aliveness. Being You. Living from Your Center. Moving through the world fortified by Faith, Trust, Certainty in all that You are. Limitless. Infinity dancing through Time and Space. Amazing. A Unique expression of the heavens here on earth. Being You. Seeing this is enough. Believing in You. Knowing you are the Offering. Always. You. Daring to set the world on Fire with You. All of You. Ablaze. Freeing the Passion. Woo woo Woofrickinhoo! It is damn Good to be You.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Time to Play!

Time to Play! A new Day. Happy Dancin all damn day! You dancing in this world being You. Doing You. The ease of this. Simply being You. Ain't no time for being anyone but You. Allowing your Self to be who you are. Allowing others to be who they are. Freedom! Be The truest friend to You. To all. Not needing others to be other than they are. Let Go of expectations. For your own sake. For your own Joy. Understanding people are who they are just as you are who you are. Letting your Self be. Letting them be. Laughing out loud when you expect or need others to be who they truly are not. Some fixed idea. Laughing out loud when others want you to be other than you are. Untangle from this! Feel the Joy. Emboldened. Standing in the moments of Your Life this Day. Present. As You. Sensing all that you are. Trusting your Self. Everything serves. Everything is perfect. Assess your beliefs. Observe your Self in relationships. Notice when you agree to things you don't wanna do. Notice when you do things because it is Fun and fills you with excitement. Energy does not lie. Tuned in. You cannot go along to get along. The soul is here to experience Joy. Awaken to this playfulness. Be guided by the depths of You. Choose You. Let go of shoulds. All that guilt! Do the walk of no Shame. Being You. Simply. Empowered. Claiming your Life. Choice by choice. Deliberate. Intentional. Grounded. In what you want and do not want. What you want Matters! Give your Self permission to disappoint others as to Not disappoint your Self. Perpetually obligated. Operating from shame and guilt strips the Joy of living. Let go! Let go! Go within. What do you want for this Day? For your life? Do that. Be that. Do. Be. Do. Be. Create a life you absolutely LOVE that fills you with the attitude of gratitude singing from the depths of You: woo woo Woofrickinhoo!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Live Simply. Simply Living.

Live Simply. Simply Living. Being You. Exploring life. Opening. Blossoming. Inviting the Joy. Letting go of ideas and beliefs that cage you. Freeing your Self again and again. Touching this Aliveness within You. Expressing who you are in the moments connected to your Self. Connected to All. Declaring what You want. Giving yourself permission to want the life You want. Declaring. Believing. Never settling. Knowing this day is Yours. Here. For the Joy of Living it. Tasting it. The Ordinary made Extraordinary by Your Presence. This Life is Yours to celebrate as only you can. Being you. Doing You. Stand in your Life fully. Move deliberately from your Center. Trusting your Self. Listening to your soul guiding you into your highest good and greatest Joy. Feeling the Perfection in EVERYTHING. Living Simply. Simply Living. Daring to show Up for the moments unfolding You. Life. All. Remembering: You can't possibly Fu#% this Life up. No way. No how. This Life belongs to You. Live it. Experience it. With All of You at Play. Alive! When you feel fu#%ed Up, be present to the feelings washing through. The dread. The overwhelm. Let it be. No judgment. Feel to heal. Let go. Free your Self with the Love. Compassion. Understanding of the heavens. Breathe. Drop into the moment. Laugh at the absurdity. Laugh at the false beliefs that there is a right way and wrong way to be You. To live Your life. Let the laughter lighten You. Free you. Lifting You beyond the bullshit hijacking your happy heart that came here to Dance with infinity. To love each day. And live it all. Smiling with all of You. Delighting: Some Amazing Life this Ride Is! Happyass dancin because it feels damn good. And it is the Simple things that awaken the Joy. Saying THANK YOU! All day long.Welcoming the Surprises. Shouting: woo woo Woofrickinhoo!!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Live Deliberately!

Go Deliberately into this day. Moment by moment. With All of You. Journeying on your Great adventure. This good life. Here. Now. Welcome it. Taste it. Feel it. Stand whole. Engaged. Connected. Do not discard your Self. Hold your longings, your desires Sacred. Trust life as it is your Partner. Your divine essence. The Source of All. Ever-guiding You Home. To your Self. All of You. No longer living dissected. Bleeding energy. Your precious life Force. Empowered. Knowing Your Self. No cutting pieces of your Self Off. To please. To be who others need, want or expect you to be. Be You. Willing to disappoint others but not your Self. Knowing: this is Your Life. This day is here for You. Free the Joy. In being. You. Go ahead. Allow others to be offended by you just being You. Not as an act of Rebellion. Simply. Because you must Be. You. A life censored. Trying to Be. A version of You. Not enough for some. Too much for others. Stop the Madness. Be You. Deliberately. Playing the roles leaves life stale. Cuts you off from the flow of Life. The juice of life unplugged. You become a dead man walking. Filled with dread. Enduring. Surviving the days. No more! Let go. Let each Breath fill You with your Bigness. Occupy your Body fully. Standing on the earth. Pulling the heavens down. Birthing dreams. For your Joy. This Love experienced. Sweet Life tasted. Known. You. Me. All. Complete within your Self. Step into the world. Participating. Not swept away. Unshakable. Moving deliberately. Faith embodied. The core of You. Springing. Vitality. On fire. Alive. Yes!!! This is You. All of You. Plugged In. Expressing Your Life. Woo woo Woofrickinhoo! It is damn Good to be You. I love You. Love You. Love this day with all of You.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

It is All so Good!

Enter this day connected to the Goodness of Life flowing through You. Echoing through your every breath. Your presence. Your actions. Your choices. Your thoughts. Express this Goodness, the essence of You. All that lies in your Heart. Let it be. Your life speaks of this Love. Grateful for the dance. Dancing with what comes Trusting it is all Good. Watching the day come moment by moment. Saying THANK YOU. Welcoming the Surprises. Knowing EVERYTHING is perfect. You unfolding. Life blossoming. This Magic dance. Mystical. Magnificent. Poetic. Lovely. Last night, I laid under the same skies where just the night before the blanket of Stars had taken me on a wondrous journey into You. Me. All. The Stars were covered by clouds. I sat with what was. Not minding. Letting go of expectations. Allowing. What was to be. Being present. The adventure equally as stirring. One lonely Star popped through to greet me reminding me the Stars are always there even when they aren't visible. It winked and nodded. Acknowledging me. And faded into the clouds. This Miraculous way of being with Life. You. Me. All. Is liberation. Not attached. Riding the waves of amazing grace, experiencing the goodness that always Is. The Beauty. The Abundance. This Love. Life. Known. Tasted. Savored. You live the dream Awake. Seeing. Participating. Inviting. Living it All. All You are. Engaged. Feeling the possibilities. Celebrating. Delighting. Alive! So Alive. Here. Now. Cheering: Woo woo Woofrickinhoo! For no reason in particular and for a million reasons. Awesome!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Meet the heavens Within You.

Laying under a blanket of Stars, I saw You. Me. All. Dancing. Alive! The Stars echoed Truth. Beauty. Mirroring You. Me. All. Flooding through this message: This is who You are. You walk through this world aglow. All that you see in me is Alive within You. Sip this in. Receiving You. The Truth of You. Beyond the limited story. The roles you Play in space and time. You are Magic. Welcome the Magic you are. Pause to know your Self the way you stand in awe of the Stars. Your relationship to your Self creates your relationship with the whole. All of your life mirrors your Sense of Self. Your connection to You. Let go of the smallness that cages you. Claim your worth. Remember: You are the Stars embodied. Let go! And feel your truest Self launch You into a life reflecting this Love you are. Invite the moment. Fear not. Go to the depths of You. Be here. Connect to your Brave Heart. Let it do what you alone cannot. Amazing Grace lifting veils. Was blind but Now, You see. You. All of You. Dancing Free in the Beauty You are. The moment I stopped Fearing my Self. I met the heavens within me. Roaring. Wild. So Alive. Courage springing. Life pouring through me. You. All. Passion Ignited. Ever-connected. One with The One. This Love I am. This Love you are. This Love of the Universe Awakened. Sweet life known. Always Sweet even in the midst of the Bitter. Ohhh. Yes!!! This Life. You. Me. All. Reason enough to shout: Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo!!! from the depths of You. Your Joy saying: Welcome Home! This is Your Life.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Let JOY Sing You Home.

Let this abiding JOY sing You Home. Again and again. This Day. All your Days. Here. Now. Stepping into life. Arms stretched. Testing these new Wings. Emerging. Growing. Opening. Awakening. Taking you on a Joy ride. Living this Dream wide awake. Knowing: There will never be another day just like this One. Enjoy It. Soak it Up. Enjoy being You. Welcome more of You Home. Joy known. In the midst of hell. Alive in the fire. Surely, this is heaven. On earth. Experienced in moments. Sacred moments. Holy You. Dancing free. Connected to the Spirit riding the waves of grace that never cease. Let go. Jump. Into the Now. Be here. Let go of surviving the day. Let go of enduring life. Relax into your Self. Into life. Trusting. Everything has led you here. Where you are. Revealing you. Keep spinning the lead into gold mining for the treasures in each experience. Just breathe. Present to your Self in the direct experiences. Tasting it all. Discovering. Oh, this is the bitter. Oh, this is the sweet. Allowing life. Feeling the Joy within. Pulsing through you. Ever-springing. Let it be. Live the bullshit that swallows you. Threatens to take you out. And let it graciously spit you out on the other side of the rainbow. Made anew. Stripping away what you cannot take with you. What is keeping you from living the Joy. Being you. Living this adventure. Passionately. Mind. Body. Heart. Soul. Fear not. Remember: you and the heavens designed this Life perfectly. Stand in this Truth. Be still. Feel your Heart echo: Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo!! It is damn good to be You even in the suckiest moments. It is all Amazing grace!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Do not dismiss You.

Believe with All of You in the sacred desires that pull you. Stretch you. Open you. Awaken you. Won't let you rest. Scare you. Fearing: How will I ever Pull these dreams down from the heavens? Let go. Release the fear. Your Fears of you. And the Fear You have Seen in the eyes of others who cannot possibly know. You. The blueprints leading you into the More you crave. You. Unfolding. Acknowledge the Fear of You. The projected Fear around You. Your ambitious Soul. Here. Dancing wildly. Hold your Self dear with the Compassion of the Universe. Be patient. Loving. Kind. Do not dismiss You. Love your Self. Upside down. Sideways. Stepping into What's Next?! Moving in blind Faith. Connected to this Love you are. The essence of you. Divine. Soul force. Strength beyond measure. The truest power. Life graciously swallows you whole and spits you out. Anew. Necessary. Death and Rebirth. Remembering: You are so Brave. Your courageous Heart has secret passages ever-opening. More. Revealed. Delight. Anticipating. Holding your breath. Anxious. Excited. You blossoming. The Joy of You. Knowing You. Exquisite. Your Roar echoing this Fierce sense of Self. This Love. You. You: The Dreamer. You: The Dream. Merging. Poetically. Flowing. Aligned. Free. Vitality springing from the Connection. You. Plugged in to the Universe within. Without. In this world. Not of this world. Everything. So Alive. Present to what comes. Bowing. In Awe. Welcoming Life. Always Sacred. Moments of crazy. Forgetting you are eternal. A flame that cannot be extinguished. Moments of grace. Remembering. Yes. Nothing can stop You. Not even death. So Live. Here. Now. Lean into the sword. See All you are. Step into your wholeness. Free-falling. Feeling with all of You: Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo!!! Life is a helluva an adventure. All of me. All of it. At Play.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Be Still within You. Roaring!

This Day. As you step into the noisy world, be still within You. Connect to the quiet. Listen. Your Heart. Fierce, gentle, fiery, riding the waves of this wondrous life Joyfully engaged in the whole of the dance ever-changing rhythms. Flowing with Life. Allowing. Steady. No matter. Unshakable. Undeterred by the uphill. Knowing everything is a necessary part of this adventure. Unfolding You. The Day. Life. Moment by moment. Breath by breath. Be here. Again and again. Present to You. Present to All. Take yourself by the Hand. Be the truest Friend. Compassionate. Understanding. Amused. Encouraging. Finding your way to laughter. Letting the tears heat your face. Burn through. Trusting the raw honest moments. No censoring. Lean into the sword. Again and again. Enlivened by moments. Life. Experienced. Known. You are so Brave. This heart Roaring. The fire of the heavens Alive. You. Me. All. Lit by Life. Opening wider and wider. Deliciously stretched beyond. Freeing the Fire. Passion met at new depths. This Love. You are. Pouring into this Day. Badass. Magic. A Force. One with the One. Unstoppable. Unquenchable. Always More. How could you have ever known? No way to Know. Life revealed. You ever-blossoming. Ever-fed. What you need. Here. Now. Trust you. Stand. Tall. Not knowing. Knowing it is going to be Great. Your Spirit echoing: Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo! As the waves carry you to new shores that await.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Your Soul's Song.

Sip this IN. Open to the Truth. No more slumbering. Asleep at the wheel of your Life. You are living poetry dancing with the winds. A spark of Life embodied. A divine expression. So magnificent. No less than the moon. The stars. The skies. The mountains. Here and now Alive on earth. A creator in the flesh. You are a part of the whole. One. The soul force of the Universe. Animated by this Love. All there Is. Is You. Me. Collectively at Play. Ever-blossoming. Ever-exploring. New depths. Worlds within. Calling you home again and again. No matter how it appears to our human eyes. Dwelling on the surface. Each of us is a Unique masterpiece. Free the Passion. Let this Love flow Wildly through You. You being you. Doing what you do. Because you must. You cannot not. Awaken. Remember: You are a creature of Soul. Your soul can never be lost. It is always here. In the moment. Waiting for you. To Remember: You are Free. You are worthy of a Life you absolutely Love. Touch the essence of You. Receive this magic elixir. It is here. Now. You are whole. Perfect. Complete. A Force. Stand in this. Truth. And feel the depths of you Roar. Echoing joyfully: Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo!!! It is damn good to be You. I love you. I do. I hold You in my heart this day. Every day. Wanting you to Live from this Knowing: You Matter. You f#%cking Matter. You just do.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Invite Your Soul to PLAY You!

Step into this Day at Play. Connected to a sense of Your Self. The significance of you. Your life. This day. Feel Open. Flowing with life breath by magic breath. Be at Rest Not knowing what the day will bring but Trusting it will be damn good. Take your Self by the hand saying "I got ya Friend!" Feel the music from within you awakening, echoing through the whole of YOU gloriously; and dance with all that comes your way. Alive in the moments springing, gifting, offering you wisdom from experiencing Life. All of it. Dare to be present to your Self allowing life to wash through you. Cutting nothing out. Be engaged. Uncensored. Raw. You. Untamable Life. The truest Play comes from your soul Expressing LOVE, PEACE, JOY. The soul dances Free in the Beauty of it All. The Beauty that IS ever-present. Unwavering magnificence! Invite your Playful soul to do what it does. Let go! Again and again. Let nothing steal your LOVE, PEACE, JOY. Let the Beauty pour through the honesty of the moments. This Beauty is You. Me. All. Awakened to the Truth. Letting go of the bullshit. Ain't no time for pretending. There is Life is live. Each moment is Sacred. Welcome IT. Listening to the Heart sing its truest song: LOVE! Happyass dance as you sit still and as you move through the day. Wave your hands in the air cheering your Self on: woo woo Woofuckinhoo!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

YouTube Video: Cat Outtake. Trusting the waters

YouTube Video: Trusting the Waters

Enjoy Every Sandwich!

Breath by breath, Dance with this LOVE. The essence of You and all of Creation. This LOVE experienced is the Dream. Awake. Feeling connected to the your Self to the Universe as you Live, as you journey here on earth feeling the heavens blow through you. This life unfolding you, me, all moment by moment. We are here to free the Passion, the abiding sense of Joy in living this adventure for as long as it lasts. Opening. Blossoming. Living from the inside out. Guided by this Love, this Joy that Is. Always here. Now. A friend was sharing a story about one of his favorite artists, Warren Zevon. Zevon who was dying of cancer was asked what the secret to life is. He said: "Enjoy every sandwich." Hmmm. The sandwiches that inspire you to lick your fingers and make yum sounds...delighting. Savoring. And the sandwiches that simply fill the hump. Applauding or Not. All sandwiches are good. Each serves. Each is an experience. This is Life! What wisdom. Inviting you, me, all to allow the Joy we embody to be with all moments, all experiences. Our hearts echoing THANK YOU. No matter what! Connect to your sense of aliveness feeling inspired. Let your life speak: Woo woo woofrickinhoo!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

YOU are the JOY you Seek.

Enter this day present to You, to Life, to All. Moment by moment. Invite the Joy! Feel the Magic of life flowing, opening, carrying you into the experiences, this adventure ever-unfolding. Be excited! For no reason other than you are Alive, here to dance with life another day. And for a million reasons scanning the Blessings, receiving the abundance, fully aware of The Riches bestowed upon you. With a THANK YOU in your Heart, walk into this Day appreciating life for all it is; celebrating You. Me. All. Happyass Dance:). Let nothing disturb the Joy ever-present, your heart's truest song ever-singing, echoing this Love you are into the world. It is damn GOOD to be you. Look at the GOODness you are. Live Open. Let go of old beliefs around what makes life good and what makes you good daring to show up appreciating the moments for what they are, as they are; appreciating you for who you are, as you are. Love life without conditions riding on wings of Glory, allowing your higher wisdom to reveal the Beauty in it All. Enjoy every moment this day! And feel the miracles spring. Build a life of Joy day by day! Learning to ride the moments of Crazy and moments of Grace with Joy in the experience. All experiences. Be there. Let your Heart hold it All. Present. Open. Seeing. FEELin Life. Oh Joy! Oh Joy!! Oh Joy!!! Woo woo woofrickinhoo:))

Friday, August 8, 2014

ALL The Good!

Enter this day, consciously receiving the Blessings washing through you breath by breath. Stand tall with a sense of anticipation of ALL the Good to come. Feel the strength of You: mind, body, heart and soul. Invite the Blessings to Open you wider and wider. Open your Heart to the Joy and Love that flows without ceasing. Let go of yesterday, consciously releasing any residue of worry, doubt and fear. Pause and reset letting go again and again. To be human is to court Fear so you must tap into your fierce heart, this Ocean of Love within and let IT do what you alone cannot. The mind will always cage you attempting to keep you Safe, guarding you against life, over-thinking, creating stress, living from your wounded Self. The Heart knows YOU ARE BRAVE! You have depths of Courage yet to be explored. Go there! Go into your Heart and feel the Power of the Universe usher you into the More you long for, the Freedom you crave, the Life that makes you Happy for no reason and a million reasons. Listen with your Heart. Dare. Trust. Believe! The hardest part is Believing what only you know. Take yourself by the hand this day, loving yourself UP through the challenges that come and watch the seas part. You deserve a Life you LOVE! Say THANK YOU! These words bring the Miracles. Gratitude carries the Soul force of the Universe into all moments. Appreciating all the moments, you are Trusting Life and Trusting your Self. All experiences are there to lead you Home to your truest Self and truest Life. Love each day, each moment and LIVE it all! Happyass dance with hands in the air shouting: Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

This Life is Rich!

You are made rich in the living of your life. This is your life. Your sacred dance. Claim the richness that lies within you appreciating ALL that makes you who you are. Who you are is so Great! What's not to Love about you?! Really. And your Joy in being You, doing what you do, spending time with people who inspire you, free more of YOU, welcome you, make you stand taller is essential. Focus on all there is to LOVE about you. Focus on all there is to LOVE about being you. Focus on the things you GET to enjoy in this life. Focus on the people you GET to play with that SEE you, that stretch you, that want to know you and applaud your victories celebrating YOU whole-heartedly. Connect to the Richness of You. Connect to the Richness in All. Live. Come alive being YOU. And invite others to join you coming alive being who they are, freeing their Joy, living the Passion. Your enthusiasm is contagious! Your Joy cannot be contained. The Truth of your Heart echoes into the World lifting All with the Love of the Universe. Ohhh...the material riches alone will never give you what knowing the richness of your Spirit will. Love pouring from the depths of You is your Spirit materializing; animating you and creating a life that makes your Happyass Dance. Living the Dream life is awake. LOVE BIG. LOVE parts the seas and moves the mountains. LOVE is the greatest treasure. Love is The Gold within YOU that you carry into your days that makes you sing: Woo Woo Woofrickinhoo!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Grab the GOOD And Ride IT!

Enter this day shouting "Hell Yeahhhh!" From the depths of You. Let your passion, your love of living echo from You into the whole. You have it All. You have Life. Free your Self from thoughts and beliefs of lack, of not enoughness. Let go of anything that strips the Beauty if YOU dancing with this Day, this moment. You are Free. You are Brave. You are Magic. You are the Love of This Universe embodied. You are Rich. Receive this abundance that is YOU; that is your life. Receive the fire within your heart, this Creative force that is the heavens pouring through you. Go Boldly. Open your fierce heart and live the Surprise. Shock your Self. Be in the moments and allow the spontaneity. Your playful Soul knows you were born to fly FREE. Where you will Go?! Who knows. But GO! You must. Holding back is painful. Blocking the flow of Life expressing through YOU as you is exhausting. Repressed energy will implode. Let Go! Fly out of the cage door created by the mind spinning old crap that makes you feel less than, unworthy, undeserving, afraid to use the Wings of Glory that long to take you into More. More Life. More Joy. More Love. More Peace. There is More. There is always More! Live OPEN. Remember, this Love you are, the Infinite Alive within you, animating YOU. Here. Now. Breathe in. Touch the Magic. Ignite the Fire. Step into the Life you are here to experience. Live this Dream life IS awake. Happyass dance, dwelling int the possibilities. Get Pumped! Celebrate your courageous Heart singing: woo woo woofrickinhoo! Life is damn GOOD even in the suckiest moments. Grab the GOOD and ride IT all day, every day. Live the Magic. LOVE this day with ALL of You!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Seize the Day. Being You.

Seize the day! Being you. Befriending you. Allowing more of you to come out and play. Let go! Let go! Let go! Drop into the moments. Experience your Self dancing with the universe. The ordinary made extraordinary by your presence to you. To all of Creation. Live free. Love life. Beyond the limited beliefs, dance with the infinite. Limitlessness embodied. Your soul leading you into your Self into this world; exploring new depths. Wandering in wonder. Know the Joy of being you. Loving it all. Living it all. Your presence moment by moment to life is the truest communion. Joy alive expressing as you all damn day, come what may. Love this day with all of YOU. These words washed through me as I awakened: To some I am foolish To some I am brave All I know is I am ME. I dance FREE Not able to be other than Who I am Moment by moment Surprising my self Not needing others to SEE Me Understand me Or my choices My life making perfect sense to me Even when it makes no sense to others I am Whole Connected to the whole. Go BOLDLY into this day. Daring more of You to dance. Giving your self the love and compassion you crave from others. This is YOUR Life. Your story. Your journey. Trust life. Have faith in your Self. Expressing and growing. Welcome the Surprise. Live OPEN! Let your heart sing: woo woo woofrickinhoo!!!!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Bring ON The Wow!

YOU make life Beautiful. Give the Beauty you are to the world. This day, Dance to the WOW! Echoing from your Heart. Wow moments ever-flowing opening YOU; blossoming you, revealing you, surprising you. AWEsome! Be present. This is Your life! Here and now. Do not delay your Joy. Do not withhold your Love of living waiting on "someday", some idea of how life should be. Stop! Drop into your Heart. Invite the Wow. Sip it IN breath by magic breath. Feel the Wow Alive within freeing You to dance with the Infinite. Ordinary moments become extraordinary! You shifting your attitude. Live this Dream life is Awake! Life becomes a series of Wow moments. EVERYTHING becomes a Miracle as You claim the Miracle of You. You embody the heavens. Remember! YOU create the Beauty mirroring the Truth of you, the essence of you and All. Receive from the well within you so you can shower the world with the Treasure you are. How much Beauty will you Give the world this day? See how many WOW moments you can experience this day. Expect them. Count them. Let the Awe and wonder nourish you and liberate your Spirit. BELIEVE in the Magic. BELIEVE anything is possible. BELIEVE in the Beauty of your Life. Jump around. Happyass dancin! Twist and Shout: woo woo woofrickinhoo! It is damn good to be YOU and being ALIVE this day is cause enough to say: WOW!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Woo woo woofrickinhoo!

Ask your Self: What do I want and need? Be the care giver to your Self. The care you offer your Self will pour into the Heart of the World. Live FREE! This day. Let Love liberate You from the wounds. Open your heart to your Self honoring your own challenges, heart breaks and struggles. Be present to YOU. Do not dismiss your Self. Love your Self UP! Hold your own hand. Say: I got ya! Assuring your Self that regardless of what life brings, YOU will do whatever you must to take care of YOU. Bless those who have let you down who have caused you harm and vow to care for your Self. Bless your Self seeing that you too have harmed others whether it was intentional or unintentional. Let go! Let LOVE do what only it can do. Feel the Amazing Grace pour through you. And send this LOVE out from your heart into the heart of ALL. Honoring You, you honor all. Celebrating You, you celebrate ALL. Holding your own hand, you hold the world. Nourish your Soul; return to this Love that heals, that cauterizes the wounds so life's blood can flow FREELY and lead you into the Miracle YOU are and life IS. Moment by moment. Breath by breath. Choice by choice. Love this day with all of YOU. Live! Come ALIVE present to the Dance. FEEL your cup runneth over counting the Blessings. GO kick some asssss being YOU. Loving LIFE. Grab your own hand and HAPPYass Dance:) hearing the song in your HEART echoing: woo woo woofrickinhoo! I LOVE YOU. You are LOVED. You are worthy of LOVE. You deserve nothin but LOVE. One more time. Shout: woo woo woofrickinhoo!! Because it is fun and feels damn GOOD.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

HAPPY You. Happy Day. Happy Life.

Sip this IN: All moments are sacred. You are sacred. Holy. You are holy. Your very breath pouring the heavens into the earth. Stop chopping your life up into negative and positive and be present to the experiences, lean into all of them; love life for a million reasons and for no reason at all. For one day, the music will stop. Your Spirit will leave your body. And you will see the Beauty of it all even that which you cursed. Ask your soul to reveal the higher perspective so you can be transformed by the moments you are living instead of surviving the days. Disappointed. Wanting things to be other than they are. Avoiding life that only wants to lead you into your highest good and greatest joy. Invite this higher wisdom to shine through this day, every moment. Go ahead and curse it! And give thanks for it. Trusting the perfection of life ever-flowing, unfolding you, me, all of Creation. Trust this: A lifetime of Happiness lies ahead of you! Expect happiness. Explore happiness. Let go of the conditions you place on what makes life HAPPY and what doesn't. Let your heart be light! Find your way within to your HAPPY. And carry your HAPPY into the day knowing the richest life comes from living the abundance, receiving the Joy from within and freeing it all damn day being YOU. Doing YOU. Loving YOU. Loving Life. As it is! In the sucky moments and in the moments where you feel HAPPYgasms pulsing through you. Connected. Touching your Spirit ever-free and dancing. Happyass dancin because this is YOUR life. And being Alive this day is cause for Celebration. Let's get this party started. Woo woo woofrickinhoo:))!

Friday, August 1, 2014

FEEL The Blessings Alive within YOU!

Say: "THANK YOU!" Over and over again, allowing your gratitude to create your attitude. FEEL the blessings Alive within You. Every moment cause for celebration! Dare. Risk. Be spontaneous. Act on divinely inspired ideas. Be emboldened. LIVE this day from Your Heart. Beyond sentimental, your Heart is Fierce enough to make the choices that must be made to free you, to open you, to let GO of what no longer serves you so you can reach more that awaits. Being courageous enough to live from the inside OUT, to go into the Silence echoing: "Listen. Don't look outside of You. Follow the signs. Trust your Self, this higher knowing which is the wisdom of the Universe alive within You." Go into the quiet, unplugging from the Noise and chaos and drama. Rest in the well of Peace calling you Home. This stillness is the point of Creation. Let your inner voice so pure that only wants what is best for you SURPRISE you with new life, new energies bubbling UP ready to Play and express through You. Expect Miracles. Be strong. Refuse to let your mind hijack your JOY, your Peace, your LOVE of living. Welcome the Magic. Journey into your Heart. Remember: YOU fu%#ing Matter. YOU are Loved. It is ALL Good. Happyass dance for the sheer Joy of it. Let your Heart be light, giggling with the innocence still there; the energy that refuses to play it safe, that lives beyond the wounded Self that locks us in our victim story singing "life has done me wrong". Shout: HELL NO! And sing: woo woo Say: "THANK YOU!" Over and over again, allowing your gratitude to create your attitude. FEEL the blessings Alive within You. Every moment cause for celebration! Dare. Risk. Be spontaneous. Act on divinely inspired ideas. Be emboldened. LIVE this day from Your Heart. Beyond sentimental, your Heart is Fierce enough to make the choices that must be made to free you, to open you, to let GO of what no longer serves you so you can reach more that awaits. Being courageous enough to live from the inside OUT, to go into the Silence echoing: "Listen. Don't look outside of You. Follow the signs. Trust your Self, this higher knowing which is the wisdom of the Universe alive within You." Go into the quiet, unplugging from the Noise and chaos and drama. Rest in the well of Peace calling you Home. This stillness is the point of Creation. Let your inner voice so pure that only wants what is best for you SURPRISE you with new life, new energies bubbling UP ready to Play and express through You. Expect Miracles. Be strong. Refuse to let your mind hijack your JOY, your Peace, your LOVE of living. Welcome the Magic. Journey into your Heart. Remember: YOU fucking Matter. YOU are Loved. It is ALL Good. Happyass dance for the sheer Joy of it. Let your Heart be light, giggling with the innocence still there; the energy that refuses to play it safe, that lives beyond the wounded Self that locks us in our victim story singing "life has done me wrong". Shout: HELL NO! And sing: woo woo woofrickinhoo! Notice which one enlivens YOU. Energy doesn't lie. Let go! Let LOVE flow because it FEELS damn Good.! Notice which one enlivens YOU. Energy doesn't lie. Let go! Let LOVE flow because it FEELS damn Good.